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• • • Introducing: Precious GraysonAge 13Illness - ptsd

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Precious Grayson
Age 13
Illness - ptsd

• • • Introducing: Precious GraysonAge 13Illness - ptsd

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Noah sat at the coffee table. Sitting cross-legged on the fur carpet. "Uno," Beverly shouted, jumping up. Noah sighed. She was so close to getting uno.

For Bev, things were better here, than home. She had no one else at home, the losers were all the fucked up girl had. Noah was a loser, and a good one at that.

"Awh, fuck you!"

"Richie, language," Eddie kicked him in the leg. Everyone was in the lobby, just chilling out for that day, Friday.

Fridays were free days. Bill was leaning on Noah, teddy in hand.

Beverly and richie were beside each other on the left couch, while Stan and Eddie on the right. Nathan sat on the floor, beside Stan's legs, leaning on them for support.

Everyone was laughing, carrying on like they were back at the quarry, and Noah and Nathan were at their homes. Except, Noah didn't exactly have a home anymore.

She was adopted at age six, by a dark skinned couple, Penny and David Harper. They past away in a car crash, running off the road because of the ice.

She stayed with her Aunt Andrea, them constantly arguing. So, she turned herself into here, after she fell onto a state of depression.

The doors slid open automatically and someone steps in the lobby. Everyone went quiet. A petite girl with a small bag over her shoulder. Mixed and brown eyes. Medium brown thick hair.

Her chocolate eyes widened at the attention. Noah didn't bother with her, and instead placed her cards on the glass table and picked herself up, her knees cracking.

She walked down the hall to her room, leaving the door open and flopping on her bed. "Noah, why'd you leave," Richie asked. He sat on the bed beside her. He gently rubbed her back awkwardly. It comforted Noah.

"I didn't want to deal with the pity the nurses were going to give the poor girl, the first day I came in here, I was hugged to death by nurses who gave me pity. I fucking hated that.

Richie sighed and lied down beside her, and they both turned to look up at the ceiling. Inch by inch, their hands made it to each other;he grasped her bony hand into his.

"So, precious, how are you? What is your depression on a scale from one to ten, ten being the wors-" "ninety-five," she interrupted.

Bill git up and walked to Noah's room, when he saw Noah and richie on her bed, lips locked together. Her hands were on each side of his face.

He whimpered and walked away.

Beverly stared at precious, she was pretty.

Stan and bill went to take meds, before the group was going to go outside to play baseball.

They walked back to the lobby, where the others were, and sat back down to finish another game of uno.

"All right guys, baseball time," The head nurse, Johnathan called out.

Hey sorry for not updating, I was very busy. Ily ♡

Ethereal [] it auWhere stories live. Discover now