one punch

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*four days later*

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*four days later*

Noah and Eddie were arguing.



Eddie had done told Richie why Noah was in the ward; suicidal ideation, anorexia and schizophrenia.

The second day there, Noah had warmed up to Eddie, and vented to him about everything, which led off stress.

Without thinking, Noah balled her fist up and punched Eddie directly in the nose; blood went everywhere.

A sickly crunch was heard before Noah was stuck in the butt with a syringe, and code green was called.

Precious was crying while Stan hugged the shaking girl, Eddie was crying with blood seeping through his yellow shirt, and everyone else was in shock. The nurses gathered everyone to there own rooms after Noah hit one of the nurses; nina.

"Listen here little bi-," nina yelled.

After Noah had calmed down, she was let back into her room, but the door had to be locked from the outside.

She fell asleep after crying about what had occurred. She didn't mean to hurt the boy she greatly trusted.

Eddie lied in bed, crying. He didn't mean to hurt the girl he greatly trusted.

*a day later*

"Morning princess," Beverly peaked through Noah's now opened door. Noah groaned as Beverly opened the curtains. "Get up babydoll, breakfast time!"

Beverly hopped on the bed and straddled Noah, and tickled her until she squealed. "Up!" She dragged the girl's leg and walked out the room, waiting for her to get dressed.

Noah and Beverly walked down to the cafeteria, clad in hospital gowns.

Beverly grasped Noah's hand gently, running her thumb Over the back of her hand.

If Noah had a penny for every time she blushed, she wouldn't have many, so this shocked her when she felt heat rise through her Neck, ears, and cheeks.

"You okay angelface," Beverly questioned the oblivious girl.


After breakfast, it was med time again. Noah didn't take daytime meds. She took nightly meds, abilify; a drug for schizophrenia and manic depression.

"Hey can you come here for a second," Beverly asked. Noah nodded and Beverly gently pulled Noah into the day room where the kids colored. It was empty.

Before Noah could register what was happening, Beverly kissed her gently but with force. Her eyes widened, but she returned the kiss.


He froze. Noah and Beverly jumped apart, a string of saliva leaving them.

This was awkward.

Ethereal [] it auWhere stories live. Discover now