blue eyed baby

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Noah lied on her bed, legs sprawled out as she read a comic book; Eddie's comic book. A knock on her mahogany door startled her.

"Noah, it's Doctor McLellan, come see me in my office."

She sighed and lied the colorful thin book down flatly and scrambled out of her bed. She walked out of her door and down the hall, small footsteps echoed down the hall. She saw Eddie, sitting outside of his door as she turned the corner down the boys' rooms. She smiled gently and waved. He did so back.

Noah made her way to the office and sat down in a leather black chair, the material rubbed against her thighs.
"Yes," she asked.

"I'm changing your medication. You're going to be taking zoloft now, instead of Abilify. Is that okay," she questions, running a pale hand through her mahogany locks. "You'll start tonight."

She left the office and bumped into a teary eyed Bill. "Crap I'm sorry," she gently grasped his arms and held him still. "What's wrong," she questioned. He shook in his place and tears fell, her heart broke, he couldn't look her in the eyes. "Hey look at me," she gently placed her hand on his face.

She guided him back to her room and sat him down on her bed. She grabbed a box of tissues from off of her desk and sat the on the bed beside Bill. He grabbed one and wiped his eyes. "Please don't be mad at me when I tell you," he whimpered.

"I could never be mad at a sweetheart like you," she smiled gently at him. "I-I think you're beautiful, and I like you," he whispered.

Noah paused, and looked up at him with her large brown eyes. "I like you too," she uttered, a blush coming onto her chest and cheeks. "What about Richie," he asked. "Richie kind of did that himself,"

Noah recalled the moment; Richie forced himself onto her, her hands on his face trying to push him off. Her face Wilding up in disgust. She finally pushed him off "What's wrong sugar," he asked. She jumped up. "Get out," she screamed at him, she felt disgusting.

He got up and left.

"Richie is nothing to me, Bill, you're everything to me and you're so sweet and kind and you deserve the world," Noah smiled as she teared up, she didn't like that Bill was sad.

He leaned down and wiped her tears, and she grasped his hand into hers.

She slowly leaned up and pressed a kiss on his lips. He kissed her back, bringing his hand up to her cheek.

They separated and she stood up. He stood up and grasped her into a sweet embrace. She smiled at him and lead him back to his room, silence filled the hallways. "I'll see you later," she laughed a little and smiled gently, brown eyes twinkling.

His eyes twinkled like the moon, so pure and gentle. He himself had ethereal beauty.

Ethereal [] it auWhere stories live. Discover now