Chapter 2

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We had left the concert venue pretty late last night.

I woke up in the comfort of my bed at 11:08am.

I literally woke up in the morning with the sunlight in my eyes.

I love the Vamps.(sorry, had to say it yet again.)

"How was the concert Mack?" My stepdad, Daniel, asked from the doorway.

"It was great! I really enjoyed myself." I told him truthfully.

"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. It's a good thing that band of yours is staying in Seattle for another two weeks." He told me smirking.

My head shot up facing towards the doorway to my room.

"Say what?" I asked him.

"You heard me." He replied.

"Why two weeks?" I asked.

"They've got more concerts to play here."

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing! But they probably are going to stay cooped up in they hotel until it's time for them to leave." I told him.

"I hope you didn't forget about your aunt then." He told me.

"Aunty is staying in the same hotel as the Vamps?" I exclaimed excitedly. I was now currently out of bed and skipping eagerly to my bedroom door to talk to my stepfather.

"Ha I don't know, but I'm sure you'd wish for that to happen!" He told me.

"Don't you know it." I replied

"Well get ready, we're leaving in half an hour." He said before walking off towards the bedroom he shares with my mother.

I quickly ran to the bathroom across the hall, because I'm too poor for an ensuite, and I showered and brushed my teeth.

After my shower I put on my khaki shorts with a t-shirt and my jean jacket on top.

I put my hair in a ponytail because it's too much effort to do anything with it.

"I'm ready!" I yelled throughout my ever so quiet house while running down the stairs to leave.

I didn't stub my toe! Yas! Life is good.

"Good to see your in a good mood!" My mother smiled knowingly.

"I think I will be I a good mood for the rest of my life after that concert." I told her.

"Are you sure you won't have PCS?" She asked me.

"Mom, what the hell are talking about?" I asked her.

"Post concert syndrome. It's when an ultimate fangirl cries in her room the day after a concert because she realizes it's over and that means she no longer can be that close to her favorite band anymore." She replied.

"And no she did not just get a call from Cara's mom explaining how Cara's behaving after the concert." My stepdad, intervened.

"How does Cara's mom know what PCS is?" I asked them.

"Cara told her." My mom replied.

Of course.

"Stop the chatting, we can chat in the car. For now, let's hit the road!" Daniel said while walking out the front door.

(Hit the road jack and don't you come back, no more, no more, no more!~another song reference you probably won't get. I first heard this in Ella enchanted!)

We got in the car and drove off to the hotel my aunt was staying at.

After about fifteen minutes we arrived in the residents parking.

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