Chapter 2: Prince Malakai

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Before The Move

I'm soon to be king and married to a princess. I only met her a couple times but we didn't talk. It was my duty to have a Queen by my side when I become king. I have been training ever since I was born. How to talk, when to talk, how to act, what to say, it's something that's been forced in my head.

People bow when I come by, call me Prince, my whole life has been planned for me. I have a premade friends, premade wife, premade titles. I never worked a day in my life, I never had a girlfriend, never had a need for those things because they were already a given.

I want something, I get it, the Prince can never be unhappy. Everything already planned even when I die. I can't help but feel as if I'm missing out on something. I wasn't as happy as a prince should be.

"Prince Malakai, your father has requested your Appearance in his office." One of the house aide Pat said. I nod and follow him.

"King Edric, Prince Malakai is here." Pat said after bowling and exiting the room. I walked in the room and sat across from my father and the king in the chair.

"Yes father?"

"I have some disturbing news, The Palace of Forthworth has declared war." This palace along with my father palace has been in a fued for a years, since his great-great grandfather was on the throne.

"What does this mean for us father?"

"We have the tactic team piecing a team together and a plan. We have to be ready for war."

"I'll do anything I have to do to make sure we end up on top."

"No, you're not doing anything, just in case something happens to me, we have to make sure you are still alive to carry on the families monarchy. We're sending you to somewhere safe."

"Father I can't do that, I want to fight, I will just look like a coward if I just run away."

"You're doing as I say. We have the plane leaving in three days. Now you are dismissed."

"But father..."

"I said YOU. ARE. DISMISSED!" I left even though I was upset. How could I turn my back on my people, he wants me leave when we are in a time of need.

This is another instance where my life is premade for me. I can't do anything, to change it. Guess I'm leaving to where ever I'm sent.

Three days Later

I was on my way to where ever, nobody still hasn't told me where I was going yet. All I know is I was on a plane and handed a cellular mobile device and was told when everything calms down I could come back. I met with someone at the airport before my host family got here and they told me here I would be a regular citizen, not a prince. My name would be Jaxson. I would have a host family, who I would stay with during my stay here.

The family I was staying with had three kids and they were all adopted from other countries. I just hoped no one caught on to the fact I wasn't Russian. I didn't even have a Russian accent. When I got to there house, I didn't expect it to be how it was. Then again I never been to America before so, I didn't know what to expect. We had our introduction and a small tour of the house, where I almost was found out by the daughter, but luckily one of her brother interrupted us before she did.

I stayed in my room after dinner unpacking and trying to make this mobile device work. I opened the little camera and the little person looked just like me in the screen. They would do everything I did and then I realized I was stuck in the device.

"That is the devil." I hit the lock button and put it on the tablestand.

The next day, I hung out with Seb and Alex. They introduced me to video games, where a little person was on the screen raising havoc through the town and they also had me try pizza, which was absolutely delicious, I almost ate the entire box, which made the twins think I was a King to them. Little did they know I was a prince in training to be King one day.

I got a text from the 'phone', the twins showed me a little about it and told me i actually wasn't in the phone and it was a picture. I was so relieved. I even learned about 'text' from the twins and I thought the phone was talking to me. They downloaded a few things on my phone like Instagram, Snapchat, and a app called Wattpad, whatever that was.

It got late and I was heading upstairs for my shower when Na'ari had me zip her dress. She was absolutely breathtaking any man who was lucky enough to call her his should be grateful.

I had just plugged up the phone to charge, unlike I did yesterday. I didn't know it would die, the twins taught me lots. I was looking for the bathroom when I opened the door, I noticed it wasn't the bathroom. Instead in was Na'ari in her undergarments.

 Instead in was Na'ari in her undergarments

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Her body was so beautiful. I've never since a body like that before or any women's body before. I couldn't stop looking. She was mesmerizing. Her skin was the riches of chocolate, my heart was pounding. I didn't know what to make of these new emotions.

I never experienced it before. I was watching her move across the room. She reached behind her back to the thin fabric and unconnected the two sides. While she looked over her shoulder while she pulled one strap down her arm.

"Oh my gosh, Jaxson." She caught me staring.

"I'm so sorry I thought this was the bathroom and...and I...I... I...didn't mean to disturb your privacy, I was just wondering where the bathroom was and I accidentally went to the wrong door. I'm so sorry." I thought she would be mad, but she just laughs.

"You're so cute, the bathroom is the next door over."

"Thank you and again I'm so very sorry. My parents didn't raise me to be like that, I just..."

"Calm down. It's okay. If anything, it's a compliment that you stared and I should probably put some clothes on because your friend is happy." I followed her eyes and indeed I was 'happy'.

"I'm so embarrassed."

"You probably should take a cold shower." She laughed while I was confused.

"Why would I take a shower, I'm still clean from earlier shower." She continued to laugh but stopped when she noticed I was serious.

"Oh, you probably want to take care of it the old fashion way." She blinked with one eye and again I was confused.

"I'm sorry, is something wrong with your eye?"

"No, I' are really confused, aren't you?"

" you need some ice?"

"No, I'm fine, I should probably leave you to your problem." She was closing the door when I had one last problem.

"Wait. Could you teach me how to get rid of my problem?"
A/N: Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!!!! 💋💋💋

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