Chapter 4: Prince Malakai

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Ari came rushing by to her room. She barely said a word to me. I would go after her but what would I say. I didn't know how to deal with other people's emotion. The people around me barely showed it and I always got what I wanted so I didn't show it myself.

I just sat on the couch and watched the people trapped in the box. Do they know they are trapped or people are filming them, they don't seem to mind or are they secretly being filmed. I suddenly felt bad. I was watched twenty-four seven when I was in my home country, so I know what it is like to have someone watch you rather you wanted them to or not.

"Ahhh... I hate him." Ari yelled from her room. I could hear things being thrown around. Honestly, it frighten me. I didn't know if I should go up there and see if she was okay.

"I'm done with that bastard." Thud. That time it scared me so much I jumped on the ground. I laid there while she threw things around.

"I'm going to go see why she's making all that racket." But not before grabbing the stick thingy with the net behind the couch. I crept up the stairs and the noise got louder. (A tennis racket, he's talking about a tennis racket.)

I lightly knocked on the door. "Ari? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. Why are guys so dumb?" She said from beyond the door.

"Well I'm not entirely sure how to answer that, but I will tell you whoever hurt you is stupid and doesn't deserve you. You are sweet, beautiful, caring and if they can't see that well they have to be dumb." The door crept open and when I walked in, she was sitting on the bed with her arms around her legs.

"Thank you. During my whole span of my relationship with Terrence. He has never uttered those words to me." She had tears streaming down her face. Whoever did what they did really broke her, at least that's what I could tell from knowing her for the past weeks.

I walked over towards her and sat on the bed. "Everything that I said is the truth. The only important thing left to do is that you believe it yourself."

She looked at be before crying into her hands. "Oh no. Don't cry, I didn't mean what I said. Well I did but I didn't want you to cry."

"It's not you. It's just so many people told me about Terrance and I didn't listen. I should have dumped him in the beginning, but he would always say I'm doing this for us. I had to be so oblivious, like who has clients after midnight? I'm so stupid."

"Ari, you're not stupid. You just wanted to see the best in him. Even if that meant looking over signs of infidelity. Some people are good at persuasion and manipulation. It's not you're fault he's a-a... jerk face." I just hope that doesn't get back to my father that I used such profanity, this wouldn't be my most proudest moment.

"Jerk face? That's so funny. I'm just glad I know now and not down the line when we moved in together and he put a ring on it and had a few babies." She wiped her face of the tears.

"It can only go up from now. You got rid of your bad energy and now you can focus on yourself."

For the the first time all evening she smiled. "You're right. Thank you Jaxson."

"You're welcome Ari. Now there's this box thingy and it has people in it. Why don't you come explain it to me over some oven baked bread, tomato sauce and cheese." Which might I add is one of the most delicious thing I've eaten before.

"Oh mon Dieu (Oh my goodness), I got a feeling I'm going to be teaching you a lot of new things." And how right this statement was.

We spent a good portion of the afternoon talking, eating and her explaining what things where to me like the television and how the people knew indeed they were being recorded and they were actors and being financially compensated for it.

"...and we're out of popcorn. I'll go make some more and next I'll explain to you what reality television is." Ari got up and walked into the kitchen with the empty bowl.

"Oh great."

Knock. Knock.

"I'll get it." I walked to the door.

"Announce yourself." I could never be to sure who was behind the door. Possibly Someone could have found me and I could be assassinated right there.

"Terrence." So it's the 'jerk face' that broke Ari's heart.

"Ari, it's the male EX companion that made you cry. Do you want me to turn him away?"

She came into the living room with a unreadable look on here face. " I need to talk to him. I'll be back."

"If you need me, I'll be there. Just let me know."

"Okay. Thanks." She seemed nervous. I wanted to listen in but I also wanted to give her privacy.

After a while, I could hear muffled yelling. I couldn't hear what was being said but It made me uncomfortable. I opened the door because I wanted to give this guy a piece of my mind. He was yelling at Ari and as much as I wanted to give her, her privacy like I intended to do I couldn't stand around and let this guy talk down to her.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him walking outside.

"I'm allowed to check on my girlfriend."

"Ex girlfriend." Ari told him.

"I told yo ass. She was just a client, but you too busy being insecure."

"I'm insecure but she answering your phone like she yo girl or something. Your client that comfortable, that she felt the need to pick up your phone like it was nothing."

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Let's stop playing games because I know you'll come back to me, so let's skip all this unnecessary bull and make up." The fact that he said it like her feeling were nothing made me feel uneasy and honestly my patience was wearing thin for this diluted delusional epitome of a weak man.

"Ari told me what happened and I think you should take what's left of your pride and leave." I finally decided to speak up.

"Yo preppy. Go back in the house and mind yo business."

"He ain't got to do nothing, if anybody should leave it's you."

"Fine I'll leave but just so you know. I love you Ari, I really was doing this for us." He finally backs away and leaves both me and Ari on the front lawn.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!!!! 💋💋💋

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