Part 4

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Cody frowned. A distant noise pierced his subconscious. It murmured and churned in the back of his mind like a television someone had forgotten to turn off. With it came the feeling of soft blankets and cool air from the air vent above his bed.

Cody groaned and rolled over. The noise stopped for a moment before continuing. After a moment, Cody realized it was the sound of someone speaking and not random blurbs of emotional sound. He tried to tune in.

:He... his family. I'm ... if... sparkling programming or... He really... emotionally imbalanced.: A voice rumbled softly. It sounded familiar.

:Perhaps it was both?: This voice was also quiet but had a definite squeak to it that made it sound rather loud.

:That... a possibility. As a human youth... would be... to his family. Sparkling... would not... that. Rather, it would ... any connection Cody... to extreme...: Cody felt his mind perk up when he heard his name being uttered. He flicked his eyes open and frowned when he was once more met with darkness. After a moment, he felt something click inside of him. His vision immediately popped into existence with a vibrancy that made Cody gasp and cover his eyes. He curled up and rubbed at his stinging eyes for a moment.

"Cody?" Cody recognized the voice of Chase. He timidly opened his eyes and was surprised when only the soft beams of moonlight greeted his vision. Hadn't it just been really bright?

"Hey buddy, you okay?" Boulder sounded concerned and Cody could hear the friendly giant shifting in worry. Cody sat up and looked over at his window to see the friendly faces of the Rescue Bots. Chase, Boulder, Blades, and Heatwave were peering into his room with bright, worried optics.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Recently, everything's been super bright when I wake up. It stings a little." Cody mumbled the last bit and gave a yawn. Despite being awake, he could still feel sleep pressing down on him. Cody looked at the Rescue Bots with a frown. He normally wouldn't mind if they were discussing something, but he would really prefer if they could discuss it away from his bedroom window.

"Would you guys mind going somewhere else while you talk please? I know you didn't mean to, but your conversation woke me up." Cody sleepily rubbed at one eyes with a fist and yawned again. Drowsiness slipped its way into his eyes and he yearned to close them for a few more hours. Cody didn't notice the surprised looks the bots exchanged with one another.

"You could hear us?" Blades asked in surprise.

"Yeah, you guys are right outside my window. Of course, I could hear you. What are you guys doing up so late, anyway?" Again, the bots exchanged looks. This time Cody noticed and frowned at them. He was about to open his mouth to ask what was bothering the bots when Heatwave spoke up.

"We just got off clean up duty for the day. Your father and siblings already came in to check on you and we were just doing the same. We didn't mean to wake you, kid." Heatwave said soothingly. Cody blinked at the red bot. He didn't think he'd ever heard something so close to an apology without life or death situations from the red bot. And Heatwave's tone of voice... Cody didn't think he'd ever heard the gruff giant sound so gentle before. Cody realized that Heatwave must have really been worried. He felt guilt stir in his chest again at causing everyone so much anxiety and concern. Cody really hadn't meant for everything to turn out so... dangerous. He had just wanted to help his family out.

"It's okay, Heatwave. I-I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm okay now though." Cody lifted his arms to show how okay he really was. He didn't want the Rescue Bots to be worrying over him when they were supposed to be helping protect Griffin Rock. It could cause issues with their focus while on the job. Also, Cody really did think he fine. A little shaky, yes. But ultimately not going to die anytime soon. There was no reason for the bots to continue to be so upset.

Heatwave seemed to catch onto Cody's underlying emotion because he immediately rebuked the child.

"Don't tell me not to worry. Its my job to worry as a Rescue Bot. Comes with the job application." Heatwave grumbled roughly.

"Heatwave's right, Cody. Its our job to worry. Its even coded into our programming to worry about you. You're a youngling and our charge. If we can't care for you, then who can we care for?" Blades asked unhappily. His wingtips bobbed up and down as he spoke. For a moment the ever-present nervous ting vanished from his voice. Cody blinked in surprise. He hadn't thought about it like that.

"Oh. Then I guess I'm sorry for making you worried?" He guessed instead. The bots did seem to view this response more favorably, however. Their upset expressions turned to fondness and indulgence.

"You should be. Don't go getting yourself into so much trouble. It's a circuit burn." Heatwave huffed gruffly.

"It's okay, little buddy. Just don't do it again please." Boulder murmured. "I like having you around, even if I am afraid of squishing you." Cody grinned at how their countenances had brightened. Seeing their more pleasant expressions sent something warm billowing up from the tips of his toes to the top of his head.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on it." Cody chirped happily.

"Planning or not, avoiding stressful and hazardous situations should become one of your prime objectives. It is unhealthy for younglings to endure large amounts of stress while in their formative years." Chase pointed out.

Cody nodded and yawned. He really was sleepy.

"I think you should get some sleep, Cody. You look pretty tired." Blades spoke up.

"If you don't rest, you won't feel any better tomorrow." Heatwave agreed with a nod. Slowly, so as not to destroy the window, Heatwave reached into Cody's room and lifted his blanket from the floor (it had fallen at some point). Cody looked at him in confusion for moment before Heatwave gave a huff.

"Well, lay back down." He grouched. Cody immediately did so and yawned again as Heatwave carefully tucked him in.

"Wow..." Cody murmured drowsily. :You must have been... really worried if... you're acting like this... Heatwave:

Cody wasn't aware enough to register the Rescue Bots' shock at his last sentence.


Anyone wanna take a guess on what exactly, this chapter was bout?

: DO you know?:

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