Second generation and our demigods

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Risa Morley POV:

Hello there, I am Risa Morley, and I am probably the most important person you will ever meet so listen to what I have to say. I am the Queen of Peterson's high and everyone absolutely adores me.

I mean come on! Why wouldn't they? My daddy is a Pediatrician, mommy works at an architectural farm! None of the other students here has parents more powerful than mine! (Lol you wish)

So as I was saying that is the reason why everyone absolutely adores me as a queen. Well, almost everyone, you see there are two girls who scoffs at my direction! They're cousins or something,

Anyway their names are Zoe Jackson and Bianca Solace DiAngelo. Those two are absolute losers! Like Bianca has this black hair and blue eyes and Zoe has blonde hair and weird green eyes, I mean eww! They should try to look like me! I have blonde hair (cough dyed cough) and amazing blue eyes! I basically scream beautiful!

And to make matters worse, no one actually hate those two losers! I mean come on there's no way Zoe has that good a grade without cheating, and there's an even less chance of Bianca actually give better health advice than me but I digress.

"Alright, kids but remember that an Olympic gold winner is coming t the winter dance tomorrow, so try to behave!" She puts extra emphasis on behave. Yeah yeah Olympic gold medalist swimmer is coming to the charity function with some of his family, we've been hearing about this for a long time already jeez!

I hear a light giggle from somewhere and choose to ignore it. It's probably the two losers. They've been giggling and laughing since the whole thing has been announced. Probably cause the Guy's a swimmer. Zoe swims in the school swim team so she's probably a fan or something.

The teacher gave them a pointed look again, "honestly Zoe and Bianca, why are you two acting like this every time I have mentioned this? Some of his family are coming too so don't make fun of him, I hear his family is extremely protective of himself his wife and one of his cousin for some reason, so please stop laughing every time he's mentioned."

The two of them nodded somberly all the good mood gone for some reason. Not like the teacher yelled at them or anything.

"Of course ma'am "
"You don't have to worry about us." They say with an innocent smile and the teacher smiled. See this is how they get away with everything, they just look soooo innocent and they could possibly do no wrong. But many of the teachers has been very unsatisfied with their attitude towards the medalist and some students were surprised too, so hey, I could use that to my advantage.

I drone out the rest of the lecture in favor of planning out how to embarrass them in front of everyone

-------time skip of pork cutlet bowls that enthralls men--------

In the end I ended up not having a plan on how to embarrass them, but I'll keep a look out just in case. The students are already here and there's a bit of a clatter but not much really. Everyone's really curious to meet the guests. There's a dance that'll start as soon as they're here.

The guests reach the dance on time like, right on the dot. How did they manage that? There were four people, three guys and one woman. The first of the guy had blonde hair and blue eyes, his hair is a bit curly and he's giving disapproving looks to the second guy who was honestly the polar opposite of him.

Like really the second guy had black hair and almost black eyes. And while the first guy gave the aura of happiness and sunshine, the second gave off more death doom and gloom.

The last guy also had black hair and he had green eyes. He was tallest among them all and had one of his arms around the woman, who had curly blonde hair and grey eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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