Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Crows, Police and what I really am?

Blake’s P.O.V

“I LOVE YOU FELIX!” I only just managed to say it before the boy was running out of the house, and back to his shack… wow, that sounds so weird, ‘his shack’, I laughed at the thoughts running through my head right now.

Now, I know there was something I was meant to be doing… Phoebe, right. I need to tell her to help the boys. Great she is soooo not going to be happy about this…

*10 minutes later*

“Sure Blake, I’ll be happy to do that,” what the…

“Phoebe are you sure you’re okay?” I heard silence on the other end of the phone,

“Yeah, I’m fine Blake; I’ll do anything for you and your mat… I’ll do anything for your friends, so, you want me to go back to the shack, surrounded by boys who think I am the reason why we’re here, and you’re going to save Jake, get him back to the check place, and get Felix to use the talisman, and get rid of the crows?” I nodded. Oh right, she can’t see me,

“I know you nodded Blake, god you’re so silly sometimes, I’ll be at the shack in about half an hour, you have the outfit right?”

“Yeah, if I run, I can be at the station in 5 minutes. If we head off now, we should be all good, we should be able to make it seem like it wasn’t planned. Okay see you soon, hopefully Jake won’t recognize me too much. Bye Pheebs,” I hung up the phone before she could respond and start towards my dresser, I pulled out a blouse, it was a medium blue around my chest down to just under my ribs, then there was a white line, then it was a sky blue, with another white line, it was the same on the cuffs, I paired it with a black pencil skirt and a pair of black pumps. I quickly cast a spell to make my hair a light cross dark brown, I put on new make-up to make it look natural and make myself look older. I looked in the mirror, deeming I didn’t look anything like myself, and ran out of the house, down to the police station, I didn’t tell Felix that the first thing I saw was Jake arrested. He didn’t really need to know, Andy will tell him.

Felix… I can’t believe I let him see my birth mark, I never knew what it really meant, my mum would never tell me, and I begged Phoebe to tell me, but the look on her face told me not to push it, the spiral meant something, and if it was in Alice’s book of shadows, then it has to be something bad, everything in that book that has a symbol is normally a demon… god I hope I’m not right.

I started to run harder erasing the thought from my head. When I saw the station, I slowed down to a walk, I saw an open parking space, I quickly cast a spell making the car so it helped me pretend to be a social worker, and I gripped the keys in my hand, placing them in between the folders in my arms. I walked in the front door, letting out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. I walked up to the front desk; the man looked up at me,

“I looking for Sargent Riles, I’m from child protection services,” the man nodded and let me past, I walked up to Gary,

“Hi, Jenna Hawkins from Child Protection Services,” putting my hand out for Gary to grab, he stood up grabbing my hand slightly shaking it,

“I’m going to get that can,” and walked off, good, now I have Jake alone,

“Come on Jake, let’s go into this room,” he stood up following me into a sound proof room, he sat down and I closed the door, sitting down in the chair opposite Jake,

“Now Jake, you can’t tell anyone who I am, I’m here to get you out, it’s me, Blake,” Jakes eyes widened and his body stiffened,

“Blake? Is it really you?” I nodded,

Book 1: Nowhere boys and their Nowhere girlWhere stories live. Discover now