We are doing what?

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Roy 17
Kaldur 16 1/2
Connor 16
M'gann 16
Wally 15
Artemis 15
Dick 13

In this story, only Roy knows who Robin truly is (Dick Grayson)

Batman's Pov

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Bruce?" Diana (Wonder Woman) asked."Yes I'm sure the team needs to be able to trust each other for the team to work and the only way they will trust each other is by spending time with each other outside of work", I said while pulling my cowl over my face to transform my self from Batman to Bruce."What about Dick no one on the team knows about his well his.."."Night terrors?" I say as I but into Diana's sentence and finish it off for her. "Before you say anything else I have already thought about that and that is why I have allowed Green Arrow to invite Roy to come as well. Seeing as he is the only protege that knows Dick's secret well secrets"."Well, I will leave you to telling the teens about their 'mission'."

"Everyone meet in the mission room immediately" was broadcasted over the whole cave.

Dick' s pov

"Hey Rob you with us ?" Wally asked
"Yeah I'm here I was just thinking."
We were standing in the mission room being lectured by Batman. "You people need to learn how to act like a team before someone gets hurt or worse killed."
"Being hurts worse" I whisper to Wally.
"Wait how is being hurt worse than death"
"Because when you are dead you don't have to listen to Batman lecturing you on how stupid you have been".
"That's true"
"Are you two done having a mother's meeting because if you are you would have noticed that everyone else has gone to their rooms to pack." Said Batman sternly.
"Robin a word," Batman said as he beckoned me towards him.
"Will you be ok going on this camping trip, I know it's meant to be a team thing but if don't want to go I understand and I'll just tell the team that you are ill," Batman said in his Bruce voice. He only does the Bruce voice when he is in a caring mood.
No, I don't want to go what happens if I have a night terror or if a bad guy gets out of Arkham." No, I'll be fine" I say just a little bit too quickly.
"You sure" He knows of course he knows he is Batman stupid brain
"Absolutely anyway I better pack we will be leaving soon. Wouldn't want to keep the team waiting"

No one's Pov
The team slowly walked back to the mission room : M'gann and Conner were holding hands while Conner had their 3 bags in his other hand , Kaldur and Wally were just behind each holding there 2 bags and a food bag (one for the team and one for wally), Artemis and Roy were a bit behind them each holding 2 bags and the tents and finally away from the group like always was Robin and weird to the group he was only carrying a small backpack.
"Did you only half pack?" Wally said half laughing.
"No, I just don't need to bring a lot of things, for example, I don't need hair gel or tons of food. Roy. Wally."
"Hey!" Both Wally and Roy yelled.
"Is everyone packed and ready to go?" Batman inquired.
"Yes." Everyone replied
"Ok, in that case, everyone needs to get onto the bioship except Roy I need to have a word with you.

Roy's Pov
Everyone got onto the bioship and Conner kindly took my bags while I stood and waited for Batman to talk.
Batman glared down at me and began to talk.
"You are responsible for dick if you return and even 1 hair on his head is unnecessarily missing you are dead. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I understand completely," I say trying to hide my gulp.

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