The night

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Roy's Pov

"It hurts!" I hear Dick whimper. "What do you want me to do" I don't know what I'm meant to do yeah I've seen dick sick before but either Alfred or Bruce was there to help."Do you want me to rub your stomach would that help?" I see a slight nod"There you go lil brother" noticing he's stopped puking and is now curled into my chest trying to stay warm. I try to ask him if he's ready to go but he looks like he is half asleep."Ok then let's get going" I say half to myself.

---It took us half an hour to get back to camp---

Roy's Pov

As soon as we got to camp I was bombarded with what felt like a million questions. Luckily Kaldur saved me from death by questions. "Guys make a space so that Roy can sort out Robin. Once he's done that I'm sure he will happily answer our questions. Isn't that right Roy?" I nodded my head and smiled at the same time trying to answer the question and thank him at the same time.
Once I put Dick in his sleeping bag I get the first aid kit and take his temperature. It beeps and I look at it immediately wishing I hadn't '100.5' I quietly swear to my self as I place a wet cloth on his forehead making him stir a bit. Once I did all I could for his head I move onto his arm, I unwrap my poor excuse for a bandage (my handkerchief) and replaced it with an actual bandage I just finish when I see that dick is stirring.

"Hey, Dickie-bird it's me you're ok hey just breathe," I say as I move him onto my lap and rest his head on my leg. " hurts Roy it hurts" Dick whimpers. "Its ok Dickie-bird it's ok what hurts," I say calmly and slowly "Everything... I feel like I need to throw up" I grab a bucket and thrust it into his mouth, as soon as I did he projectile vomited.
"Hey, Roy is everything ok?" M'gann says as she peeps into my tent.
"I think so. I think he just got a bit of a cold seeing as he went outside with no jacket or shoes on.
Once Dick was happily asleep I got out the tent and explained everything to the team. After I had finished we all said goodnight and went to our respected tents: M'gann and Artemis were in a 2 man tent, Connor, Kaldur and Wally were in a 3 man tent and of course I was sharing a 2 man tent with Dickie-bird.

---Time Skip---

Roy's Pov
I was happily asleep when I got punched in the stomach by Dick.
"Hey Dickie-bird what was that fo..". I stop talking immediately as I look over to dick and see that he's screaming and thrashing around.
"Hey Dickie-bird calm down everything is ok. Hey, Dickie-bird do you want to tell me what's..."Wait a second your asleep aren't you. I try to keep Dick quiet to not wake up the others but clearly, I failed as a voice from outside breaks through the silence.

"Roy, Robin is everything ok in there We all woke up when one of you screamed," A voice said I'm guessing Kaldur.

"Yeah we are fine Rob just had a bad dream that's all," I say in return as I glance over to Rob only to witness him thrashing around like his life depended on it. Well, at least the screaming has stopped. I was moving over to Dick who was still thrashing around when dick smacked his leg against his bag and his leg went crunch. I look at Dick's leg and immediately know its broken well at least severely fractured. I would love nothing more than to wrap Dick's leg up and give him something for the pain but I can't, not until he wakes up.

"It's alright Dickie-bird, just wake up it's not real it's just a dream," I said soothingly.

After ten minutes, Dick woke up shaking and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. "Are you ok now Dickie-bird?" I ask while holding the sobbing and shaking boy. "It-it h-hurts" Dick replied trying to suppress the urge to scream. "Yeah, I know you hit your leg pretty hard on your bag, wait what is in your bag?" I ask while handing Dick something for the pain.

"Climbing helmets"yawn" and other gear" yawn" I wanted to go rock climbing "yawn" with you when we got here", Dick said while slowly closing his eyes."Wait where are all your clothes then?" Dick was so far asleep he was unable to talk but he did manage to do one thing before he fully closed his eyes, point, point to my one un-opened bag.He couldn't have how could he, how could he have put his clothes in my bag without me realising. I open the bag, it doesn't matter the how all that matters is that he did.

Once I knew Dick was asleep I started wrapping up his leg being careful not to hurt it too much. I was just getting comfortable in my sleeping bag when I heard Kaldur outside. "Roy is everything ok now? And don't say nothing happened because we heard Robin screaming we are just worried about him". Right, you guys are still out there. I got out of my sleeping bag and crawled over Dick carefully not wanting to wake him up and went outside only to be faced with millions of questions again.

"What just happened!!", everyone said in unison."Roy is Rob ok?"."Yeah, M'gann he is fine he just... he just had a night terror that's all."

---Time Skip---

No one's Pov

It was 8 AM and everyone was only just waking up as they were up late worrying about Robin. "Morning Connor, how did you sleep ?"M'gann asked while giving him a kiss. "I ended up being attacked by wally's feet"."Hey, it's not my fault my feet just like to move. Anyway, I'm hungry let's eat".

"Wally, there are more important things in the world than you eating"."What's got your knickers in a twist?"Wally remarked while stuffing his face full of food."Well, let me jog your memory only last night Robin went missing and then had a night..night tremor". "Roy said it was called a night terror Conner, not a night tremor idiot!" YOU ARE GOING TO DIE WALLY" Conner screamed while punching Wally in the eye and sent him flying."OWW that hurt" Wally whimpered while being helped up by M'gann."Conner, you need to calm down right now and Wally you need to think before you speak. And both of you need to apologise to each other NOW!!" Kaldur said with authority.

Roy's Pov

I woke up to yelling so I got out of bed to watch it and when I opened the tent my eyes were met with the sight of Conner punching Wally square in the eye and sending him flying."What on earth is going on? Rob is still asleep and won't be for much longer thanks to you 2"."ROY!!!!". "Robin," we all say in unison. I run into my tent to see Dick in tears and holding his arm.

"Shush it's ok Rob everything is ok."."No, it's not my head is pounding, my arm is starting to look like it's infected, my leg appears to be broken and...and I feel like I'm going to puke."Dick said angrily but towards the end, he was more covering his mouth trying not to puke than angry."Oh right"I say while grabbing the small rubbish bin we have in our tent"It's ok Rob just let it all out it's ok." I try to comfort him but so far I'm not successful but that doesn't surprise me seeing that he is severely injured and now sick as well.

All that could be heard was Robin puking, and that lasted 10 minutes until through the silence Robin asked Roy"Roy can we go get food I'm starving?"."Yeah sure let me help you up."I said while grabbing him under the arms and pulled him into a standing position but just as I got him into a fully standing position he gave out a yelp and I quickly hooked my arms under his legs and shoulders so that I could carry him bridal style.

I slowly placed Dick in a seat we had made by putting all our blankets and sleeping bags into a pile "Well now that you are comfortably sitting down"."Half comfortable"."I'm sorry now that you are half comfortably sitting down I'm going to go call Batman so that he can come pick us up"."Wait Roy you can't Batman will kill you for letting me get hurt"."I'm sorry Rob but you have a broken leg and a fever and on top of that you have an infected arm and you are ill I have no choice but to call him, but what about if I call him asking what we should do so the decision to take you home is his and not mine".

None one's Pov

Roy was over to the side talking to Batman as Robin was eating some breakfast and leaning on Kaldur and Conner for support when Roy came rushing towards them.

"GUYS GUYS" Roy screamed. "Calm down Roy whatever you are about to tell us can't be that bad," Artemis said just before taking a sip of water."Well I talked to Batman and he agrees that Robin should go back and we should do this another time however we can't"."What do you mean we can't Roy what could be stopping us?"." The thing that's stopping us from leaving and the Justice league from arriving is a wall..."

"a wall of fire"

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