Chapter 3: Hope, King of Wishes

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Hope looked at the hill where his third oldest foster child was descending. He could sense the children's initial fear. Despite his teachings, they still heard rumors that a Number 96 was one of the most dangerous and hot-headed Numbers ever. There was no surprise that they would be afraid.

Black Mist seemed to be calming them, though. His skill with the flute he was playing helped to settle the children. Music was known to calm people down, after all.

He walked over to meet him. It hadn't been long since he saw Black Mist, maybe around 50 years, but he already looked older. He was darker in color, and every time he took a breath, Hope could see his emerging fangs had grown sharper. His claws were far more lethal as well, and if he looked close enough, he could make out white glowing eyes in his shadow.

"Black Mist," Hope said when his foster son reached the bottom. He hugged the 96 tightly. "Welcome home."

Black Mist smiled and hugged him back, happy that he took the time to find the orphanage again. He put away his flute. "I didn't scare anyone, did I?"

Hope looked around. The children outside were in awe, the fear on their faces gone because of the sweet music. "Not anymore. Let's get you inside. You must be hungry. I'll introduce you over dinner."

The two Numbers entered the large building. The hallways were larger than Black Mist expected, and there were more children playing around than the last time he was here. He looked around with nostalgia, remembering the time when there were only four orphans and when this place was smaller.

"So many have come since I last visited, huh?" Black Mist asked. "They must like this place a lot."

"Well, I usually find more than are adopted," Hope replied. "But it's not an issue for me. I don't mind rebuilding and adding layers to this place. It makes me feel like I'm saving the lives of countless children left for dead."

Black Mist smiled. "I'm sure the kids here love you with all their hearts."

The 39 looked down at his son and ruffled his hair with a metal-covered hand. "And I'm sure they will love you. You wouldn't hurt them."

Not intentionally. But he decided to keep that to himself.


Dinner came around. There were various large tables in the now-expanded dining room with several chairs to each one. Even so, that wasn't enough. Some of the children took seats from the living room and sat on those to eat, but they seemed to be happy nonetheless.

Black Mist was sitting by Hope in the center table at Hope's right side. The food was sweet and juicy as usual. This was nothing like the stuff he made with the stuff he bought at the markets in different towns that allowed Dark Numbers to go to without being killed. This was made with high-quality ingredients, most likely home grown considering the garden that was outside.

When dinner was over and the plates were washed, Hope told the children to sit down, that he wanted to introduce someone to them. At this point, they figured he was talking about the 96 that was by his side, amiably talking to him the entire time. The orphans were interested in this character, but he was also a 96. Who was he and why did Hope know him? Was he dangerous, or was he tame? They didn't ask any questions, though. They learned that Hope would give them the answers to the questions they didn't voice.

"I'm sure you've all noticed this young man by my side," Hope started, "and I want to introduce you to him. His name is Number 96 Black Mist."

Black Mist smiled at them, careful not to do anything that would cause the children to run off in terror. "Hi, everyone. I hope to get to know you all."

The children looked around at each other and were about to ask Hope why he was here when the Number 39 held up a hand. "I'll explain everything, so please, hold off on your questions until the end."

He then started telling them about how he found Black Mist, obviously leaving out the details of how injured the young Number was. Those details were not for the delicate ears of the young ones. He told them about how he left at a young age but still returned when he could to the orphanage to be with the children. The orphans listened carefully, looking at Mist every once in a while with every new detail Hope added.

When he was done telling the story, Hope opened his arms, a signal that they could ask whatever questions they wanted to ask. One child, a new teenager who probably joined before Mist came over, raised her hand. 

"Papa, is it true that a 96 can hear the voice of its creator?" she asked.

Hope shrugged. "Why don't you ask our guest? I'm sure he can give you an accurate answer."

So, the girl turned to him. Her gaze was mistrustful, but teenagers most often were, and if Black Mist's sensing was accurate, she was a Dark Number. Dark Number adolescents were even more mistrustful of anything, and he knew that quite well. She was a little younger than he was. "Is it true?"

Black Mist nodded. "Yeah. I've been able to hear him since I was a child. He's been growing quiet, though, and that's annoying."

"What's his name?"

The 96 blinked rapidly. He never even thought to ask for a general identity, much less his name. "I...don't know. I never thought to ask. He has a way of driving the conversation to things other than himself."

The girl nodded. "I hear it's a person named Don Thousand."

Hope stiffened at the name. "Where did you hear that, Lilac?"

"The other city over, the one full of Dark Numbers. They're just rumors, right? I don't trust a thing they say."

Black Mist snorted. "They're all liars, trust me. The only ones worth trusting are the ones who keep to themselves." But he got to wondering why Hope reacted the way he did. What was so daunting about the name Don Thousand? He decided to ask these questions later, when he and Hope were alone in a room. Maybe his room, maybe Hope's room.

"They're just rumors," Hope stated with finality. Black Mist couldn't help but notice that his hands were clenched ever so slightly. He was obviously putting up a front for the children. "Don Thousand is just a legend."

The voice in Black Mist's head suddenly chuckled, causing him to jump. "Black Mist, do you want to meet me?"

Why are you asking this all of a sudden? he asked as he reassured the smaller children, who noticed the jump and were worried about him, that he was fine. You never mentioned wanting to meet ever before.

"I'm feeling generous today. Hearing the discussion of whether Don Thousand is real or fake is rather interesting, and it made me realize that I never gave you my name." At this, Black Mist rolled his eyes. He knew all too well that the voice didn't want him to know his name before now. 

And how do I find you?

"Wait until you're all alone. Then, come to me. I'll fill the void in your heart." With a rather ominous chuckle (but Black Mist figured he only imagined the sinister tone of it; after all, the voice sounded exactly as he had before), the voice grew silent.

Black Mist blinked, realizing that the kids were asking all different kinds of questions now. Somehow, his focus was altered to where he didn't even notice the change in the conversation. Well, he didn't mind. That tended to happen when he was in a conversation with the voice. He lost all track of reality.

When the conversations were over, Black Mist was finally free to wander the place on his own. Two of the kids trailed behind him, and he thought that was cute, so he allowed them to follow. They touched his hands tentatively before holding one each. Black Mist smiled down at them. For once, his destructive instincts were quelled. Having the kids around was calming, and it made him tame. Perhaps he could live here safely. He could ask Hope if he could move in again, help out with maintaining the orphanage, those sorts of things.

But first, he would ask about Don Thousand.

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