Chapter 23: The Trip

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The week passed in a blur. All the children excitedly packed some things for the outing, which would first begin with a picnic and end with the flying race. Hope promised the ones staying behind that they would have just as much fun as the ones going out so they wouldn't feel jealous.

The large group headed out early that morning to begin their day, their spirits high and any misfortunes happily forgotten. The children sang songs, much to Black Mist and Anuenue's delight. It really raised the spirits during their walk across the plains near the Flying Race town. Older children carried smaller ones on their backs and babies in their arms. Though they were too young to remember this outing, it was still fair to include them on the list of who got to go. 

The trek led them uphill gently, where they settled at the top. From there, the group could see the Flying Race arena setting up. The children watched in awe while Black Mist laid down a blanket and Anuenue set up the food.

"They're easily impressed, aren't they?" Anuenue commented as she watched the amazed children. "I mean, they're just setting up."

Black Mist laughed in agreement. "Imagine what they'll be like when the race really starts." Even so, he couldn't help but be amazed himself. The workers were actually using flying creatures to set up the rings and poles, and some workers were even testing them by flying through the courses. "Still, it's amazing how they can bring joy to everyone. I've seen the looks on people's faces in the stands. I think that's something to be amazed about."

She smiled and nodded. "That's something I can agree with."

They both settled on the blanket and called the children over, watching them scurry happily like proud parents. The morning was filled with laughter and fun, and when evening came, everyone was ready to go to the races. Even though the walk seemed far, it was really closer than the group expected. Soon enough, they could hear the excited Number 7 announcing the race.

"Hello," Black Mist called.

The girl smiled her wide and cheerful smile. "Hello! Can I help you?"

"I made a reservation here, two hundred twenty-seven tickets?"

"Receipt please!"

He pulled the receipt out of the shadows and presented it to the girl. She ran the bill through her computer and nodded. "Everything checks out. Here." She handed him a single ticket with a big 227 stamped in the middle. "It'll be easier to give this to my partner at the gate. Have fun, enjoy!"

"Thank you." Black Mist urged the children forward, and as they passed the woman, most of them thanked her.

He presented the tickets to the Number 96, who smiled just as brightly as the Number 7. The man took the bill and gestured to a group of seats on a balcony. "Reserved those seats just for you. Safest place for a group of kids."

Mist smiled a strained smile at the man. "You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to. After all, we're brothers." With a clap on the shoulder, the 96 man brought them in.

Mist and Anuenue took the lead, making sure the children were keeping up, though they didn't have to worry much. They were well-behaved, so it was no problem keeping them together until they got to their glass-covered booth. Once past the double doors, it was as if a spell was lifted on the children because they became excitable, talking over each other and claiming seats left and right. Those carrying smaller children were more careful and took their seats quickly so they wouldn't get knocked down.

"Settle down," Mist scolded lightly. "There are plenty of seats for everyone. There's no need to fight. Besides, you'll get a great view of the race anyway."

Muttering "okay"s and "fine"s, the children managed to settle down and took their seats, though they still jumped in their seats. Black Mist and Anuenue took their seats behind the children, shaking their heads and grinning at their enthusiasm.

Thirty minutes later, the races began. The enthusiastic 96 came to the center of the ring in a cloud of smoke, which puffed as he snapped back into his form, flamboyant suit and all.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" he began happily.

And so the performance began. The children's eyes stayed glued to the races as the dragons took off in a cloud of smoke, some kicking up dust as they took a running start while others simply coiled up and sprung into the air. Everyone held their breath as two riders immediately took the lead: Number 12, and the girl Luna. Both riders fought for getting and retaining first place, seeming to exchange brief competitive words the moments they were close enough to hear one another. As they raced, the audience was split between rooting for Luna and Number 12. Even the children took different sides. Mist himself kept silent, watching and observing. Would Number 12 win, or would Luna?

The question was answered fairly quickly through an intense aerial battle. Since the only rules concerning safety were "don't knock the riders off their flyers" and "don't badly injure the riders or the flyers," pretty much anything was fair game. Number 12's steed lightly whipped Luna's, not enough to harm but enough to temporarily annoy. On the flip side, Luna's steed's larger build helped him physically push 12's to the side or behind him. Such a close match was won by Number 12, who barely pulled ahead of Luna; the crowd went wild with both cheering and complaining. The two leads shook hands after they crossed the finish line as a gesture of good sportsmanship, though they did seem very friendly toward one another. 

A few minutes after, the rest of the racers crossed the finish line, their flyers seeming winded. After announcing the winner, the audience spilled out of the stands to congratulate the three place winners or to just leave. Suffice to say, the children were dying to meet both Luna and Number 12, since they were by far the two best racers. Unfortunately, since the line was too long, the giant group was forced to wait until most of the people left so they could get out of the booth and to meet Luna and Number 12.

The wait wasn't too long, surprisingly enough, and within a little over an hour and a half, the group was finally able to come down and meet the two stars. Both Black Mist and Anuenue led the children from in front, trusting the older orphans to watch the little ones from falling structures; the race coordinators were busy disassembling the course to put up a new one for the next race.

As the group was meeting Luna and Number 12, Hachi started looking around the area, as though just now realizing where he was even though he had a clear memory of Black Mist telling him where they were going and what was going on. He even remembered the play-by-play whispered in his ear to help him understand. This place seemed entirely new, though; not at all like the arena he'd seen before. The structures the dragons and flying creatures raced through were half-done and very odd. There were more pieces on the ground, and there were also two brightly-dressed Numbers dancing through the half-done flying structures.

Silently, unnoticed, he peeled away from the group to take a look.

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