Chapter 26: Asleep

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The week passed by agonizingly slow, but Mist could still take comfort in the fact that at least Hachi was safe. Lucas informed him before he left that day that Lucia had placed special wards in front of little Hachi's recovery room to keep the darkness she'd sensed away. Apparently, she'd done the same to Mist's door, but he didn't hold his breath on that. After all, one of the demon children managed to make his way inside.

Then again, he hadn't seen another one of them since that one time.

Hope visited many times; he and Anuenue were frequent visitors. They'd update him on how the orphans were holding up, and when Mist and Anuenue had some time to themselves, they'd just talk.

"How are they doing today?" Black Mist asked. His chest and back had healed enough to raise the bed to a sitting position without pain, though he couldn't sit up by himself.

"They've already recovered from the scare, but they're worried about you," Anuenue replied. "Don't worry, though. They know you'll be back soon."

"But they won't get Hachi back so soon." He looked down at his hands. Since the moment he woke up, he's only heard about how his baby was doing, and none of the news was very good.

Anuenue couldn't help but notice his downtrodden mood. She shook her head; she didn't like seeing him like this, and she knew that deep down, he blamed himself for Hachi's condition. "Look, you can't keep blaming yourself."

Mist immediately began to protest defensively. "I'm no-"

"No, I know you do. You're not that hard to read, okay? Yes, he still hasn't woken up, but that doesn't mean he's gone forever."

He sighed. "You're right, but I can't stop thinking about the ones who fell to the curse."

Ah, yes. The wretched curse. She'd been told about it, and she'd been told its effects. To think something as small as a curse would have such an effect. Still, she didn't want it to disturb him.

"What you need is a good rest, mister," Anuenue scolded. She fiddled with the remote to bring the bed back to a laying position. "You still have a few days left before you can even get up, and worrying won't help you any."

"Anuenue, I don't need-"

"Nue," she interrupted. She looked up and locked eyes with him. "Call me Nue. We've known each other for long enough now, I think."

Black Mist blinked, surprised with the sudden request. "Alright then, Nue. I don't need any more rest. I've slept enough."

"We need to keep your mind off of the bad scenarios." Nue sat down beside him and smiled. "You know very well that your healing ability depends on your mental state." Without waiting for a protest, she began running her fingers through his hair gently and started to sing.

The words were in an odd language, probably because her home was isolated from the other Numbers. Her sweet melody soothed Mist's mind, and the fog of sleep began to settle in before he could even try to protest it. Why would he want to, though?

It was so soothing.


When his silent, steady breathing settled into a constant rhythm, Nue finished the final verse. She got up soon after and left the room to head to the next room over. Inside, Hachi laid on a similar white bed with far more tubes slithering out of his little body, tubes that Black Mist once had. One hydrated, the other fed, yet another provided medicine, and another provided painkillers that entered his bloodstream any time pain was detected.

Like with Black Mist, she sat right beside Hachi's bed. Unlike him, though, she couldn't talk to this child. His eyes were shut but fluttering. He showed no sign of waking up or responding to anyone's voice, but she and Hope were encouraged to keep talking to him because they were assured that he could still hear their voices, if only subconsciously. If it was any comfort, his ears were twitching every so often now.

"Hey," Nue greeted softly. "How are you?"

No answer, as usual.

"Your daddy's worried about you, you know. Wouldn't it be funny if we were to surprise him by you waking up?" She giggled at the image of Mist's surprised face when he saw Hachi awake and well.

Still, Hachi didn't giggle back.

Nue sighed. "We all want you back, you know. We miss you, and all your aunts and uncles miss you too. I'm just wondering how long it'll take for you to wake up." Her eyes wandered to the machine that kept tabs on his heart. It was beeping steady and constant, a comfort amid the tragedy.

~.One Week Later.~

As soon as Mist was able to sit up without trouble, he was quick to get off the bed and fly to Hachi's room. In his excitement to visit his baby, he strained his chest and back, but he didn't care.

Coming into the recovery room just beside his didn't bring the relief he wanted to feel. He only saw little Hachi attached to tubes and supported by machines. His expression hardened, though. This wouldn't upset him, no matter what.

Black Mist approached the bed and sat beside his baby. He stroked his hair, scratched his feline ears. He'll be fine. I know it.

But would he? How long was he himself asleep? Surely longer than two weeks. Surely. Why did he forget to ask?

Because I was focused on Hachi. Obviously.

"But are you okay?" Numerronius asked out of the blue.

Black Mist jumped. He quickly glanced around to make sure no one was around to hear him. "Where have you been?"

"It's hard breaking through the lucky one's wards, but it was designed for ones with far crueler intentions than I. I managed to break through it."

"Won't that be dangerous? What if the-"

"They won't. The lucky one's wards are strong against me and even stronger against those children. You'll be safe, and so will he. I think."

"You think?"

"I think. I'm not all-seeing, contrary to your belief."

Black Mist sighed through his nose but nodded. "Alright. I'll try not to lose hope."

Numerronius didn't respond. He was gone, off doing whatever he needed to do for the day. Black Mist remained by Hachi's side, holding his hand and wishing with all his strength that he would wake up. Eventually, he was ushered back to bed so he wouldn't strain himself too much. This was, after all, the first time he'd been able to get up. Even though he whined and complained, he obeyed the nurses who escorted him back.

~.That Night.~

Eyes opened. He looked up at the ceiling. Where am I?

He tried to sit up, but something heavy was sitting on him. It looked black, smoking at the edges, with white eyes and a white smiling mouth.

"Good night, little Hachi!"

He felt his heart stop.

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