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Second grade is amazing.

I don't know why, but everything is easy and awesome. I strut among my friends, as I enter the school. 

"Hey Cassidy! Let's go play hopscotch!" Someone squealed.

"Naw, I'm too old, for that!" I laughed and left. I was always known as the meanie, yet still I had friends. I guess they like the popularity. And I love, love love it.

And I could have flaunted it like a badge. Except that I didn't have one. Hurting others made me feel strong, and not pathetic like the others.

They would cry, yes, but still. I had the upper hand.

"C'mon! Let's go see the stage!" One of my friends dragged me by my hand to the stage nearby. There was a musical going on, and it looked pretty...boring.

"Which one is it?" I whispered to her.

"Annie," she said after a while.

Annie?  I had seen it way too many times, and I'd rather go sleep than watch the same musical over and over again.

"Joanna's doing Annie? Ahh, she's perfect for the role!"

"Damn, I really don't know why no one likes Annie, it's so wonderful!"

"I heard of it so much before, I hope I will love it!"

It was exhausting. I didn't understand why people are so obsessed with orphans. The next day, I was pretty sure that people would be talking about them living under bridges and digging underground houses at the beach.

"I'm leaving." I yawned, obviously showing the boredom on my face.

"See ya." my friends sighed and continued seeing the musical, and off I went to my class when it happened. I walked to my classroom,  2C, when I realised it. That wasn't my classroom. Like, at all.

Instead there was something else. There was not a single student. It wasn't out of the ordinary, as I thought that everyone ran out the moment the musical began. But there was this eerie silence, despite all the blazing lights, and the faint cheers and screams from the distance. 

That ringing, buzzing noise grew louder. I knew what was that. It was the sound of silence.

I hated it. 

But it went to the point where the silence grew louder, deafening. 

And then the lights blew out, all at once. Buzzap!

I screamed loudly the moment sparks flew across the room. The room suddenly caught on fire. It began with the charts, then the books, the bags, and then the whole classroom was doused in flames.

"Aaargh! Help! Fire, fire!" my voice grew more squeakier and I was trying to stop crying but I couldn't. I was stuck in a fire with no one hearing my voice.

Suddenly, I heard the fire alarm ringing, and red lights flashing on the ceiling, the corridors. I tried to run out of the door, but the heat did something to the door and it wasn't opening. It was stuck.

I tried breaking open the windows with my weak, knobbly fists and tried kicking it open, but it just wasn't budging.

And then I thought my fate was sealed. The thick, black smoke was filling up the room and I couldn't understand what to do. I was already feeling sick from being in here, and my head was throbbing and everything felt like a swirl of senses.

I was pretty positive that by now someone should have arrived. But there was no one, I was still in there with the fire and smoke. 

Why didn't I see that musical? If I were there, I won't have died. If I wasn't mean or snobby, I would have seen it. If only...if only...

It was too late though. I just knew it, I would eventually get swallowed by the flames, and burned up beyond recognition once the musical was over.

If only...if only...if only...

And then I heard it.


And then I heard nothing.



I don't know what made me put fires there tbh.

I was insfired. *windshield wiper laugh*

 *windshield wiper laugh*

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Sorry. 😂

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