Have you ever heard of Rebecca Black? I love her song Friday.
But for real tho, I genuine like it.
Although, I have to admit the music video is a really cringeworthy. But the song isn't that bad. It isn't the best song ever-produced, I'm sure all we can agree to this, but is fun, and makes people dance, laugh, or something. It provokes a reaction in the people.
I think that's what's important in a song: to make people feel. A good song doesn't have to include the best lyrics or an outstanding performance of the musicians. There's plenty of songs with amazing lyrics and amazing sound, but if it doesn't make you feel anything, then it has failed its intention.
By now, you're probably thinking: what's the point on this?. Hold on, I'm getting there, I promise.
What I intend to do with this story, my story, is exactly that. It won't be by any means the best-written story ever. But my intention is to make the readers feel.
If I can achieve that, it has been worth it.
So I beg you to let me know what does my story make you feel. Sadness, happiness, anger, anything. I'll take it. That's what I intend to.
You can get in touch with me using this lovely website.