Chapter Five: Emily's Underworld

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I stared at my sister. It was almost as if I was looking in a mirror.

She was still the same Emily. Same hair colour, same face texture, it was as if she never went missing.

She came to me and instantly gave me a bear hug.

I hugged her and felt like breaking down.

"I thought you were gone forever." I said in a whisper as I almost cried.

"I was always with you, Kels. Now we're both going to get out of here." When she said that, I let go of her hug and then smiled.

She took me for tour and I asked her, "What is this place, Em?"

"This is the Underworld. This place is where us humans hide from the world above from the demitors." She said.

Demitors. Oh so that's what that deadly thing was called.

"But Kelsi, I must tell you one thing." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"This isn't real. None of this is real. Your mind, is trapped in your dream just like me. So be careful, if you die in this world, you die in your own." She said.

I was confused by her explaination. How can I die in a dream?

I didn't bother to think it out. All I want to do is get me and my sister out of here.


Emily walked towards a place that looked like a training ground.

She whistled and everyone instantly stopped.

"Jacob." She said.

A boy ran over to her and Emily instructed him, "Jacob, meet my sister Kelsi. Kelsi, this is Jacob Hayes. Jacob, you'll train her while she's here until we find a way to get her out of here. Keep her safe."

Jacob nodded and with that, Emily left me with him.

We were in an awkward silence and then Jacob said, "Hi. I'm Jacob Hayes."

"Kelsi Demmings." I replied with a smile.

He had chestnut brown hair, a handsome facial feature, and was taller than me by a few centimeters.

But when I looked into his eyes, I was enchanted by it. They were a pale green pair which looked warm and welcoming.

He exhaled and said, "So, what do you want to do first?"

"What do you do here?" I asked.

"We train. We kill the demitors, make weapons. All that stuff." He said with a smirk.

"Let's start with archery." I said, pointing to the corner which had bows and arrows and people shooting at the target.

"Alright." He said with a smile.

His smile was warm and reminded me of home.


Jacob told me to go change into something more suitable for archery so I went to Emily's bedroom and picked up something she didn't wear.

I wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight black t-shirt.

This will do, I guess. I thought as I walked back to the training ground.

Jacob handed me a bow and arrow avd he asked me, "You ever done this before?"

"Yeah I'm in the archery club back home." I said. Home. Will I ever get back home?

Jacob left the archering to me and I got a bullseye in my first try.

We kept on doing this for half and hour and after that Jacob applaud for me and said, "I'm impressed. Though I shouldn't be surprised. You are Emily's sister."

Jacob offered to take me to the kitchen for lunch.

We walked and then I asked Jacob, "Hey, Jacob. What is Emily here?"

He sighed and said, "Well, she's the leader. She spent her time here saving the lot of us who were trapped."

"What is this place?" I asked.

"This is what we call The Game. It's a place where your mind is trapped in a world we don't even know if it's real or not. And if you make it out alive, you're lucky." He explained.

Now I understand The Game.


We got to the kitchen with everyone staring. I blushed and then sat down with Jacob to eat.

I saw Blake and asked him, "Hey Blake. Where's Emily?"

"She went out tubing?" He said.

I looked at Jacob and cracked a joke, "I'm assuming that she's not playing a tuba?"

He laughed and said, "Tubing is when Emily goes out through the Tunnels to the world above to collect some stuff."

"Oh." I said in a blurred way.

We continued to eat and then Emily came in.

"Kels," she said. I looked at her and she said, "C'mon. I want to show you something."

Emily took me through the Tunnels. I'm assuming that we were going tubing.

But my mind was puzzling. Where was she taking me?

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