Chapter Seven: Awake

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I woke up in bed. I was alone. But there was something different.

I was at home.

Emily?? My mind asked. I started to hyperventilate and then my mother came into the room.

"Hunny, are you okay?" She asked.

I jumped out of bed and just walked in circles in my bedroom, trying to figure out what is happening.

"Kels, are you okay?" My mother asked again.

I was about to walk out of my bedroom until my mom grabbed a hold of my wrist.

"Kels, tell me where you're going." She demanded.

"I'm going to save Emily!" I said.

She stood still and gazed at me with lifeless eyes. I knew she wouldn't believe me so she gave me a hug and said, "Kelsi, you've been dreaming of her haven't you?"

I couldn't believe what my mother was saying. Though I wouldn't blame her. I thought I was dreaming too.


My walk to school was unbalanced and I felt like I was in a completely different universe.

I felt like I've been in Emily's world for too long that I can't synchronize myself into my own.

The feeling of sorrow filled me as I thought of my sister. Could I be dreaming?


The fourth bell rang which meant that it was lunch time.

I sat in my normal place, outside of the cafeteria where the air was fresher and the food actually tasted better.

As I took a bite of my sandwich, I closed my eyes.

I have to get back to Emily. I thought.


My eyes opened and then I was back.

Back in The Game.

I walked through it as if I was already familiar with it.

I went tubing through the tunnels and then came back to Emily's bedroom.

When she saw me, she hugged me tightly and asked, "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked.

"Go back?" She said.

"I don't know. I promised not to leave until we all go." I said.

She exhaled and put her face over her palms and said, "The portal was closed when you left. Gladly, you came back and now it's opened. We have to get out fast before you fall asleep again."

I agreed with my sister and then we went to the training ground.

I looked around and made eye contact with Jacob who was punching on a punching bag.

"Guys! We have to get out fast! We don't know how long it will last. But we have to get out before Kelsi gets back to our world!" She said.

We all agreed.


I was practising archery again when I heard a familiar manly voice coming from behind.

"Hey," He said. I turned around to see the handsome Jacob Hayes, welcoming me with a warm smile and his green homey eyes.

"Hey." I said.

"I was worried when you left." He said.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I asked, putting down the bow and arrow.

"Well, without you, none of us would've had a chance to get out. We thank you for that, Kelsi. I thank you."

When he said that, I felt shivers running down my spine. His words had an effect on me.

I stared into his deep green eyes and came back to reality when I heard Emily clearing her throat.

"Kelsi, we have to go now." She said.

I nodded and both Jacob and I left.

We had to find a way to escape this world.

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