Chapter Eight: Game On

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We all slowly walked through the tunnels. Each of us patroling each corner.

Emily walked with such a confidence that made her look strong. I felt weak when I was around her.

We got to the end of the tunnels, where a flight if stairs stood before us.

"Ladies first," Em said, cracking up a joke for the first time.

She went up and gave us a signal which meant that everything was clear and safe.

We all went up and then saw those things at the corner of the houses down Wathrow Street.

Jacob came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Be careful, I don't want you getting hurt."

I blushed furiously. I felt my cheeks turning hot red and then Em said in a soft yet strict tone, "Some of us need to stay. The others will go check the portal on the hill. Jacob, Jason, Mark, Kelsi, you come with me. Others, stay put."

They agreed and Em and I walked fast with the others.

We got to the hill and saw a glowing light that was hidden from the sight of the others.

I went close to it and then put my hand in. It didn't hurt or anything, but it felt cold.

"Em, I think it's good to pass." I said.

She smiled.

She came close to it and tried to touch it. But when she did, it was as if a hidden barrier covered the way between her and that portal.

"Let me try." Jacob said. He put his hand in and made it.

But then I started to worry. Why didn'g my sister make her hand through the portal? But whatever it is, I wont go home without her.


I woke up lying on the bed. I was at home again.

I didn't know how I got here but I was used to not knowing. So much that it didn't bother me anymore.

The door opened and I saw my mother coming in with a tray of food and she smiled at me.

"How are you feeling, Kelsi?" She asked.

I felt a ponding in my head and held it.

My mother put the food on the drawer next to my bed and explained how I got home, "Well, you passed out during lunch. The doctors said you have a bad case of a headache so she told me to give you a fews day off. Now, I want you to stay in bed and sleep. Okay?"

I nodded and then she smiled and kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes and focused on going back to The Game.


I opened my eyes and saw Emily sleeping peacefully next to me.

She was used to me being missing from now and then.

I can't believe that all this time, she was trapped in this mental Prison Game.

I went to the kitchen and then took out a can of Coca Cola from the fridge.

"Hey." I heard Jacob's voice coming from the corner of the kitchen.

"Hey." I replied. He smiled at me and then said, "Anything happened when I was gone?"

"No." He replied.

I smiled at him and then he came close to me.

He said, "You're beautiful, Kelsi Demmings. You're smart, selfless, brave, righteous, and I am in love with you."

I froze. What did he just say? Did he just say he was in love with me?

He leaned close to me and I started to shiver. Jacob took hold of my hands and warmed them.

We were literally close. I bet he could hear my heart beating like a jackrabbit.

He leaned in and I was terrified. I have never been kissed my whole life. Now, I am going to kiss a guy I dreamt about in an alternate reality, talk about long distance relationships.

When his lips touched mine, I felt a surging emotion. Rage, joy, fear, love, all in love.

It was amazing.

When we pulled away he smiled and bit his bottom lip.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have done that if you were uncomfortable," He said.

"It's alright. It was nice to have my first kiss." I said.

His eyes widened and he said, "I'm your first kiss?"

I nodded and he blushed.

"You're my first kiss too." He said shyly.

We both went our separate ways after that.

I went back to bed with Emily and kept on staring at the ceiling and smiling like a goof.

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