meeting coden

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Valerie's POV.                                                

I was woken up by my beeping alarm ,I clammed my on my brand new alarm and watched it fall to the groun

d ,uhhhhhh stupid  school why did they make it so dam early ,when I checked the time on my phone I nearly fell off by bed key word nearly, I lazzyly slummed my way to by bathroom ,after i did my morning routine i went to go bathe I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot ,after it got hot I washed and soaped my skin ,after my bath I wore my red knee length dress and my black sandals I quickly rushed down stairs and saw my mom dad and my brother eating breakfast well finishing it“ ,honey you'll have to grab a muffin at school Said mom" OK mom bye I rushed to my car and drove to school, oh I almost forgot I'm Valerie, Alexa ,ravens and am 17 and a vampire but me and my family don't like drinking human blood we survive on animal blood,  i go to east wood height(don't know if it's a real name) and am a Senior this is my last term in this school ,I was so deep in thought I didn't realize I had arrived at my school  I parked my car and got out ,as I was walking towards the entrance I spotted my best friend sarrie we've need friends since preschool and she is a vampire also ,when she saw me she screams and run s to me  Valarie I missed you we hugged and went to collect our new schedule  turns out we only have two classes together“ ,your right lit and spa.

First ,maths
Theatre arts

See u at lunch sarrie “,bye val " as I was walking to class I bummed into the schools bad boy ,victor black  I bent down to pick up my books and saw and extra pair of hands helping when I looked up I was captivated  by his ocean blue eyes he smiles and gave me my books then the bell rings and i rushed to class I heard him calling my name but I was focused on getting to class on time .

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