46 | Connor

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	I heard the knock at the door and rolled my eyes

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I heard the knock at the door and rolled my eyes. Alan wasn't home and I honestly hated being the one to answer the door.

It was 11:30 on Monday morning, which meant that Syd was already on her flight back to New York and I was stuck at school wishing that she were still here with me.

The knock sounded again, a bit louder this time as I forced myself to get up from the couch, still in my pajamas with bed head and monkey slippers. Classes for the new semester didn't start until January 18th, so I was planning on sleeping in and relaxing while I still could.

"I'm coming!" I called out in annoyance as the person knocked for a third time, the banging sound feeling like needles poking the inside of my ears. "Chill out." I mumbled under my breath as I reached the door, yanking it open and looking up groggily to see who had interrupted my pity party.

Instead of being able to see who it was, I was immediately unable to see anything as the person on the other side tackled me in a huge bear hug, knocking me on the ground with the force of their excitement.

"Dan, this is a really weird way to show up at your old apartment." I commented as my head hit the carpet, only increasing my rising headache.

"Shut up, you idiot." Sydney rolled her eyes as she looked down at me, and I felt my heart practically stop as I fully comprehended that she was here: she wasn't on a plane, she wasn't in New York, she was here with me. "But I guess I should be grateful that you didn't assume it was another girl."

"No girl except you would be able to take me down with one hug." I laughed, "You've been working out, babe."

"I definitely have." Syd grinned, "I have to keep up with my jacked boyfriend."

I nodded, smiling slightly. I was hoping the word "boyfriend" would have transitioned into something else by now, but then again, there was nothing I could do about what she wanted.

"Why aren't you on a plane to JFK?" I asked as we both stood up and I closed the apartment door behind her. "I thought your flight left half an hour ago."

"It was supposed to." Sydney nodded, "But I had some unfinished things to take care of before I left, so I got a different flight that leaves tomorrow."

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