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It's lunch break.You searched frantically for Taetae but he's nowhere to be found.Your friends noticed your behaviour and asked you what's wrong.You told them about Taetae.

"A guy,huh?Is he your boyfriend?"
Eun-ji asked,curious.

"What?No! I just met him today!" You said,almost shouting.

"You know that you can share with us anything,right?So how does this guy looks like?" Alyssa asked.

"He's handsome,has brown messy hair,has a deep voice and he is from class 3-4," you told them.

Someone coughed behind you.You turned around and gasped.

"Are you not going to introduce me to your friends,y/n?" Taehyung asked.

You cleared your throat and began saying,"Guys,this is Kim Taehyung. Taetae,these are my friends,Eun-ji,
Alyssa and Daniel."

"Hello,"said Taetae.He waved his hand to your friends and smiled.
Eun-ji giggled.

"He's cute," she whispered to you.

"Thanks for the compliment,Eun-ji.
You're cute too," Taetae said.

Eun-ji hid her face from embarrassment.You laughed at your best friend's reaction.

Taetae sat down beside Daniel.The five of you chatted and laughed until lunch break ends.

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siblings:KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now