Part 3

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The past 2 weeks have been hectic. My parents were looking for anything unusual as if that would show what powers I have. 

There are 5 elements in the world of magic ; Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Spirit. All the elements are pretty self explanatory but I'l go over them. The fire element manipulates fire and makes the user fireproof and grants the ability to create fire in dry areas. Water controls liquid substances. They can can also change the water temperature, but the more water, the harder it is. Earth element is all about controlling plant growth, communicating with animals and sensing the weather. If there was a storm coming, a Earth wielder would know 15 minutes prior. Air controls air pressures and wind. Air wielders are usually doctors because they can sense whats wrong by sending a bit of wind inside the patients body. And the final element, Spirit. Spirit sorcerers can read minds, use telepathy and influence emotions. The sorcerors only have one ability and are given a name due to their power, Grav for Earth, Typhis for Water, Balva for Air, Vivade for Spirit and Saldor for Fire. My father is a Typhis sorcerer and my mother is a Vivade witch.

The special present that Evana had gotten for me was a white fire phoenix. She wanted to give me a unicorn but her father didn't have any at the time. Her father, Kenyth Buel was an animal breeder. They were very kind and loved the animals they looked after with all their hearts. The Buels are the most popular magical creature breeders in Astye. White fire phoenix's are in fact, very rare, "Just like our friendship." Evana had said to me when giving the gift. I named it Pharos.

Prince Regis and his parents as well as the younger Princess, who will be the same year as me at Laniara Academy, came over for dinner several times. The King and Queen are both good friends with my parents and were usually chatting joyfully while I ended looking at the Prince while talking to Princess Terra, the prince looking at me and the princess being completely oblivious to the tension between Regis and I. We weren't really good friends ever since then so the air was thick with awkward silence since Regis and I were facing each other across the table. 

It finally came to the last day of the two weeks since my 16th birthday, the day before I was shipped off to Laniara Academy of Magic when my powers haven't even manifested yet. I was sitting on the roof with Pharos as my light watching the stars appear one by one. "We're off tomorrow, Pharos." I said, more to the sky than the bird. Pharos flew around the sky within sight, letting out a few cries. As I sat up, I accidentally pushed myself forward too much and fell off the roof.

"AGHHHHH!" I screamed. I could hear my parents start to run as I fell, my phoenix circling above then diving down. The feeling of falling tightened in my stomach, oh I wished I could stop, to make time stop.

And I stopped.

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