Chapter 1

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Everyday I ran in the morning. I was always earlier than the boy who ran the same pathway as me, but he still outran me. I secretly raced him, hoping to beat him to the five miles we ran every morning. He goes to the same school as me, but we never talked. I would see him with his friends, laughing and goofing around. I just hung out with the group of girls that accepted me as a new friend. I never learned his name, nor did I talk to him, or even made eye contact. I guess I was non existent to him, and he was non existent to me.

Then it was the stupid branch that we finally contacted. I'm glad that the branch was there for me, except the embarrassment was unnecessary. I knew I would laugh about it later, but I felt like a weak runner. I'm some rookie and he's the fast cheetah zooming throughout the pathway. I still remember the day we met clearly.


Today I will be a winner. I'm going to outrun him for the very first time. It might not be fair if he didn't know that we were racing, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind since he has been outrunning me for the past two months. I tied back my dirty blonde hair and looked straight into my hazel eyes with a tint of green.

"Today, you're going to outrun him and be a winner." I said to myself in the mirror. I grabbed the iPod and plugged in the earphones.

We are the champions my friends. 

And we'll keep on fighting 

Til the end. 

We are the champions. 

We are the champions. 

No time for losers cause  

We are the champions 

My friends.

I DID IT! I RACED PAST HIM AND HE SAW ME WITH SURPRISE! It's finally my time to run and be a winner! I w-


I went tumbling down the path and tripped on to the ground. My knees were scraped and were bleeding nonstop. My five seconds of glory were over. I laid there with my legs stretched out and my hands supporting my back from behind. One movement from my leg made me wince and agonize from pain. There were bruises around my body from the tumbling, scratches and scars. So much for a champion.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice say. I turned my head to see him from behind. There he was, the boy that I out ran for what seems like five seconds. His face was worried and he came and sat down on the ground next to me. I nodded my head no, I was too humiliated to speak. 

"Here I'll help you up." he held out his hand for me to grab. I hesitated for a moment, but I soon grabbed on his hand. He put my arm around his shoulder and gave me support. We both started walking in a few minutes of silence.

"You should be more careful when you run, that tumble looked like it really hurt. You're lucky that I stash a first aid kit around here." he said as we walked. I smiled weakly.

"I'm Liam by the way. Liam Payne."

"Oh, I'm A-"

"Adrienne Hayfields." Liam finished for me.

"How did you know my name?"

"One of my friends like you." He said and I started blushing. It's weird to be the new girl and have boys crushing on you already.

"Can I ask who?"

"No, he's not ready yet."

"Oh, okay. It's his choice." I said as Liam led me to a ditch. His hands gripped on to me firmly as he helped me get down and sit on the edge of the sandy pathway. He went around looking for something behind some shrubs.

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