How He Asked You Out

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He went all out. You were met by Sirius in the hallway who told you that he needed you to come with him. He led you to the entrance of the forbidden forest, then disappeared. You thought it was another one of their marauder pranks until you saw the trail of magically lit candles. You followed them until you found James who then asked you to be his girlfriend. You said yes, kissing him in the candlelight.

Sirius had taken a liking to you lately. It seemed you were the girl he was interested in this week. He tried a lot of his pick up lines on you, but none of them worked. You didn't want to be a player's toy, so you always said "no" when he asked you out constantly. He'd ask you out anywhere from writing you a note to screaming it in the great hall. At first you replied politely, but after awhile he grew more annoying and you got more bitter in your responses. Sirius would just shrug it off or wink and respond "you'll come around."

Remus was super nervous about asking you out. He'd had a crush on you for a little while now, but was really shy. After a night of inspiration from his fellow marauders, he finally got up the courage to confront you. James, Sirius, and Peter stood a few feet away for support as Remus approached you. James gave him a thumbs up and Sirius winked.
"Hey Y/N" he said.
You turned to look at him, "hey Remus." You couldn't help but smile at him.
Remus opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but no words came out. You looked down at his hands and saw they were shaking.
"Um Remus, you okay?"
"I... uh..."
"Is there something you want to say?"
"Just bloody spit it out Moony!" You heard Sirius shout.
"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me Y/N?" He said super fast. You barely heard him, but you got what he was asking.
"I'd love to!" You beamed at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then ran off to your next class.

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