He Stands Up For You (James)

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You were walking down to the quidditch pitch with your broom and supplies in hand. You were turning a corner, almost there, when someone shoved you, hard, making you drop all of the things you were holding. From the ground you heard snickering and you knew the bully or bullies you were dealing with. You stood up shaking and slowly met eyes with Lucius Malfoy and his gang of slytherins. Usually you could hold your own against mean people, but these guys were different and there was so many of them. Lucius drew his wand and was taunting you while his friends spat insults. You were starting to get really scared when you heard someone shout
"Hey Malfoy!" Everyone turned to see the sight of James Potter stomping down the hill furiously. Lucius turned to aim a spell at him. "Expelliarmus!" James shouted, immediately disarming him. James picked up Lucius' wand and chucked it as far away as he could. James had always been significantly better at magic than Malfoy or any of his followers, so when James glared at him and said "fetch" they all went running. James turned to you, his normal smile coming back to his face and said "come on love, let's go play some quidditch."

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