Chapter One

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I had my back against the lamp post, arching my spine so my chest was pushed out in a provocative manner, My dress was pinned in the front to show off my legs so any possible clientele could see a glimpse of what they were putting their money to. This part of town was always musky and dank at all times of the day and night; The dim light from lamp post creating a slight window so one could see through the fog that had begun forming only a few hours ago, the thick sludgy air lapped at the side of the streets like a river would to its bank. The street was decalet besides from the small amount of other workers, and the few men that dared to sneak from their homes this late at night to get attention more exotic than what he could receive from his own lady. I heard footsteps approaching me from behind, not of one's heavy enough to be man's, maybe belonging to another worker. I groaned, not wanting to have the 'territory' conversation tonight (which i had previously had the night before with another brothel girl.) i was a curious but not taken aback to see a small healthily groomed young girl standing there, most likely not even 16 yet. "If yous lookin for the candy store yous on the wrong street, hun" i state with a fake smile that i didn't put much effort into. She smiled back genuinely and replied "oh no actually, you see im looking for work. I have nowhere else to turn to seeing as my fathers thrown me out after hearing i made the mistake of losing my purity before marriage. I'd gladly get out of your way if you would be so kind to point me to the nearest brothel..." the young girl trailed off but her smile never faltering. I've heard this a few times before, it wasn't uncommon to have young women thrown from their homes over such things. "daddy's lil precious angel not as precious as'e thowt? Neva heard of it." i gasped sarcastically preceding it with cocky chuckle "but who am i ta deny such a lovely lass like ya self of work?" I sighed, pitying the small girl, i turned on my heels motioning with my head for the girl to follow; her smile grew wider, if that's possible, as she followed. The brothel was located down a dark alleyway which had no working street lamps, seeing as the city refused to fix them for they were in the impurest of places. I took the wrist of the young girl as not to lose her in the unsafe area and trugged on through the muck and shit that coated the ground in a slick sheen. I guided us down a wet corridor, which had a door crookedly placed at the end of it. I pushed the rusty hinged door open, light from candles scattered in the room pouring outside. I turned to the girl quizzically looking at me "This is where i take my clients, yous more then welcome to stay up here until day, don't think I's be getting anymore business tonight. I'll take ya to the brothel in the mornin, the closest ones closed up for the night." the girl slowly nodded her head "thank you very much, that's kind of you" she smiled at me, i gave a small scuff in response. This girl is gonna be eatin alive in this part of town. I exited the room entering back onto the street leaving the girl to her own devices.
After reposing out on the corner only getting a few winks and glances here and there i went back down the alleyway, quickly picking up my pace realizing no one else was around. The stories of the murdered prostitutes i had been hearing about setting me on edge. I quietly but hastily opened and shut my door not wanting to disturb the sleeping girl that i assumed was still there. To my surprise, she wasn't. In hindsight i shouldn't have been surprised, she probably went back to her own side of town where the streets were clean and the lamps that lit the cold city were in good working condition. I sighed pulling off my boots and removing my corset, which had been brutally digging into my rib cage all night, but after wearing it for so long it didn't hurt as much as it did the first time I had ever worn one. I slowly slipped my eyes shut only to have them snap open when hearing shoes scrap on the floor, sending an uneasy feeling down my spine. I tightly closed my eyelids hoping it was only my imagination, which i was sadly mistaken when another foot step bounced of the walls. I sat up from my bed making the horrendous mistake of making eye contact with a shadowy figure lurking in the corner of the small room. I wanted to scream i wanted to call for help but nothing could come up through my dry throat. The silhouette slid across the floor their terrifyingly quiet footsteps slithering their way into my ears. Then something in creatures hand lit up, a small knife.. What i assumed to be a scalpel caught the sliver moonlight
coming from a crack in the roof. I trembled in fear as i watched his arm raise to the height of my neck and

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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