Chapter 1 "I Falling For You"

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POV Maya

I'm on my way to see my best friend!
Well all five of them I can't wait to see their joyful faces when they see my creation that me and my dad made!
It's new on the menu!
It's chewy, soft with the tender sweetness!!! WAIT is that a word oh well
it is a brownie cake!! Hopefully, they will like it!!  " A Brownie cake eh" I head an evil voice a voice that I remember but I can put the words together its like I can't talk I'm stuck knowing that there's nothing I can do! Why- why such things would do this to me! I was just walking to see my friends, all ruined! WHY! Why can't I talk is it because I was scared that our peace will soon come to an end!
No that can't be I'm Glitter Heart! Someone who's never afraid someone that is strong than that evil force!! " I'M MAYA AIDA" I scream proud not knowing who that person can be. For some reason, that darkness went away like its been catch by a butterfly net never to escape. But its there feared to turn around but I did proudly look eye to eye like a tiger whos not afraid of lions!
"Ira!!!" I shrieked knowing he gave me a face of full disgust " Well Well that took long before you notice I was their idiot!" Ira snapped he seem, inpatient, he taps his foot "tap tap tap" its sounds scary very scary. he glares waiting for me to say something. I just waiting there. Each second its seems he getting angrier every moment.
Its like he is a ticking bomb never knowing when he going to pop! "Quit the chit chat I'm here for a reason ya know! not to fly around here just to say hi!" Ira ranted a nervous tear drop went down my face.
"So why are you here if you do not want to chit chat Ira?" I question "Its like you want to know" He blushed I know that face it looks similar like that time with Rachel

(Ahem episode 26 XD)

"Rachel" I mutter he's face was completely utter shocked. "Cat got your tongue," I said laughing I can't believe what a softy. but I wonder......

POV Rachel

"Two Freaking Hours!" Regina cursed
We were at Maya's dad cafe (I think) the warmth of the sun glimmered in our eyes
"Regina chill out Maya will come back" Natalie confirmed "For now all we can do is wait," I said we sat knowing our dear friend can be in danger as we speak. We head a slight creak. It was the door! All of us waited who can behind the door. "Hi guys" Maya burst
"MAYA" The girls yelled angry "Yikes" Maya yelp  "Where were you!" Mackenzie bellowed with dead serious eyes nothing can escape her dead serious eyes. "Well, you guys won't  believe who I saw" Maya grinned "Its starts with an 'I' and ends with an 'A' and the middle is 'R'" so if I am the start and A is the last and the middle- "MAYA!" I Clara yelled

"Wot" Maya answered, " Why would you talk to Ira!?" Natalie demanded like she was going to kill Maya. "He wanted to see-" Maya was interrupted by the sight of me. Why me? Why is she looking at me like I have something to do with this!
"Yes, Maya," I said looking at her. She gave me a big smile as soon to the others
"Well, he saidthattheirsevilallaroundspaceandWEcanstopitandguesswhatalsohesaidhecaresaboutyouRACHEL!" Maya said faster than the speed of light!
"HUH?" All the girls including me said. but all I heard in there was Rachel? something is very fishy about this
"Please explain in English Maya" Regina beamed
"OK, So this happened I was on my way and I saw Ira, he mumbled some stuff here and there, He told me that in the future we saved the world and we can save them all!!" Maya cheered
Of course, Ura would mess with Maya but something tells me she not telling the full truth about what happened
"Sorry to disappoint you Maya but he messing with you" Mackenzie chuckled. Maya happy expression went happy flower to a gloomy rain cloud.
"But something fishy all right why would he talk to Maya for that long unless" Natalie trailed off. I'm thinking what I'm thinking.
(No I don't ship Maya with Ira!!!!!!)
"He wanted to distract you, Maya!!! Maybe he wants revenge!" Clara yelped! But I'm thing Ira wouldn't do that! WAIT what I'm I thinking. But I can trust Ira, right?
"NO" I yelled All eyes were on me "Um girls I need to study bye!" I said very quickly before one of them could respond
Could I possibly be falling for Ira?
No, I can't
Wait I can. YES, I CAN AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME. WaIt I'm I really thinking that

Yeah I'm Falling for him and I bet he falling for me

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