Chapter 2 "Uh Oh"

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Read this note before reading!!!
So I been very sick But that's not stopping me
But I have been thinking instead of doing long chapters I do short ones not to short not to long BTW my grammar is bad sorry it is 11 pm for my XD
By the way, bold letters have been why I'm speaking
So let us get to the story!!!

POV Rachel
It's been 3 weeks the glitter force has been rough. Why you may ask mhmmm. IT'S BECAUSE LOTS OF KICKING BUTT! Yeah yeah saved a couple of monsters here and there but we still have no idea where they're coming from! Like finding a needle in a haystack. And we may have seen Ira here and there. Which makes me blush.

Since I'm the not the type to fan girl I keep it in cause everyone sees's me as the smart classy girl. Which I see why,
Gosh, I'm so tired of being a hero sometimes I wish I'm not. But I guess I should be proud to be a glitter warrior. Tch "Huh?" I wonder
"Gez" I head it's not Ira Btw I'm going to make the names easy to remember plus I plan to make two only and also don't get used to the characters they may die I don't know
"Well miss pretty Blue head" I head the voice coming from my bedroom window
I look towards the window
I see a teen seems to look my age has brown hair dark green eyes.
"Your life is going to change Glitter Diamond"

Gliiter Problems (Rachel x Ira) Where stories live. Discover now