Chapter 3 "Well"

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Drew that myself just if your wondering, That's Rachel just in case you can't figure it out! XD I DO OWN THE PHOTO!!!!

POV Rachel

I gasp

How does he know I'm Glitter fliping diamond!!!
I slow does everything feels like time has broken something I can't control!
I want to break free I hate this feeling.
He takes a step
step step

"Rechel I'm home" I hear my moms voice. My heart lifted up. I had a smile up I look over to the strange boy. He smirks
"Well well consider yourself lucky," he said and with that, he left.

I went downstairs to see my mom already in bed
"Tired much" I mumbled but laughed a bit, She a hard worker
Wish to be like that.
I noticed how thirsty I'm so I drink a little bit of ice yea
My favorite then went to bed nothing much happens
For some odd reason, that boy has to do with those monster I just have that feeling ya know.
I try to go sound asleep but I have this strange feeling someone watching me sleep.
But this time I see eyes
Yellow eyes
Its someone new I know the villain had green eyes
"Ira" I whisper then went to sleep.


I have the strangest feeling someone I care about is in danger which is odd cause I don't care about anyone but myself.
And I don't see myself in danger duh -_-
I follow where my heart takes me
Wow I sound like one of those movies "Gezz" I mumble I walk instead of flying cause I think I don't want to be a Mercenare
I noticed I end up in Glitter Diamond house. Huh, strange.
I see Rachel sound asleep wow how cute
I just look should I kill her
but then I heard the faintest mumble
"Ira" I heard from Rachel I bush

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