Chapter Five

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The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, golden hue across Sweety's room. The warmth should have been comforting, but today it only served as a reminder of the ache lodged deep within her chest. She awoke later than usual, her body heavy with the weight of yesterday's emotions. Ramya, sensing her daughter's fragile state, had let her sleep in, knowing that dreams were often the safest refuge from a broken heart.

Sweety finally stirred, the lingering remnants of sleep still clouding her mind. She moved through her morning routine with mechanical precision—taking a quick shower, drying her hair, and slipping into a comfortable set of clothes. But even as she tried to focus on the tasks at hand, her thoughts kept drifting back to one thing—today was her birthday.

A day that once held excitement and joy now felt hollow. The disappointment gnawed at her insides. Prabhas, her best friend, her confidant, the one who always made it a point to be the first to wish her on her special day, had yet to reach out. She glanced at her phone, hoping for a message, a missed call—anything that would indicate he hadn't forgotten. But the screen remained blank, the silence deafening.

Pushing aside the creeping sadness, she decided to distract herself. Today wasn't just any day—it was still her birthday, and she wasn't about to let the hurt ruin it completely. She reached for her laptop, the one Prabhas's parents had gifted her last year. The thought of them brought a small, fleeting smile to her lips. They had always treated her like their own daughter, wrapping her in the warmth of their love whenever she was around.

With a soft click, she opened her laptop and logged into Skype, a familiar platform where she connected with her uncle, Nasser. He was more than just an uncle—he was her father figure, her appa, and their bond had always been special. As the connection established, her heart lifted slightly at the prospect of hearing his voice.

The screen flickered to life, and there he was, his face breaking into a wide smile as soon as he saw her. "Hi, my sweetheart! How are you, my dear? Did you miss me? And happy birthday!" he greeted her, his voice filled with the warmth and affection she had been longing for.

A genuine smile spread across Sweety's face, her heart lightening for the first time that day. "What kind of question is that, Appa? Of course, I've been missing you! Thanks for the birthday wish," she responded, her voice carrying a mix of joy and longing. But there was an edge of playful reproach too. "I keep telling you to come visit us here, but you're always so busy with your work in Hyderabad," she added, a hint of mock annoyance lacing her tone.

Nasser chuckled, shaking his head at her light-hearted scolding. "Sorry, Sweety! I already told you, didn't I? I'd bring you both here, but you two never listen to me! Even your mom agreed, but you—so stubborn!" he teased back, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Sweety pouted dramatically, her playful nature surfacing despite the melancholy that had gripped her earlier. "Okay, okay! I admit it—it's my fault! Now please, won't you forgive your stubborn sweetheart? Pretty please?" she asked, batting her eyelashes and making an exaggerated puppy face.

Nasser couldn't help but laugh at her antics. "Alright, alright! I forgive you, my drama queen. But tell me, where's your amma? How's she doing?" he asked, his voice softening as he inquired about his beloved sister.

Sweety grinned, "Hold on, I'll call her" she said, her voice filled with warmth.

Sweety's voice carried through the house as she called out to her mother.

"Good heavens! Why are you shouting like a banshee—" Ramya's words trailed off abruptly as her gaze landed on the laptop screen. Her eyes widened in surprise as the realization hit that she had inadvertently interrupted a conversation.

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