Chapter Forty

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Sweety's pulse raced as she felt a shiver of movement behind her. Her heart thudded violently against her ribcage, palms slick with sweat, and adrenaline surged through her veins, clouding her thoughts.

"Wh... who's there?" Her voice wavered, barely more than a whisper.

Her gaze darted towards the open window, the cool night breeze sweeping over her skin, sending an involuntary shiver down her spine. As she took a tentative step forward, she nearly lost her balance when a loud shout pierced the silence, echoing near her ear. The sound was quickly followed by the unmistakable, uncontrollable laughter of a woman.

Sweety whirled around, her face a mask of stern disbelief, her pulse still racing. She found herself face-to-face with Kavitha, whose laughter roared with such intensity it seemed to reverberate through the very air around them.

"Not so funny, Kavitha!" Sweety exclaimed, clutching her chest as if trying to steady her heart from the near-panic attack. Kavitha, however, continued to laugh so hard that her ribs ached and her breath came in gasps. The sight was both maddening and oddly endearing.

"You should have seen your face!" Kavitha managed between bursts of laughter, her eyes sparkling with mischief and mirth. "It was priceless!"

Sweety sighed, a mix of exasperation and relief washing over her as she reached for a glass of water and handed it to Kavitha. She knew all too well that once Kavitha started laughing, it took a while for her to stop.

"Okay, calm down. Here, drink this," Sweety said, her voice carrying an undertone of relief. Kavitha accepted the water, taking a few deep breaths, her laughter gradually subsiding as she sipped.

"So, to be bride, are you excited for this new chapter in your life?" Kavitha asked, a dramatic sigh escaping her. "This is your last night in Chennai, after all. Who knows when you'll be back?"

Kavitha continued with a teasing tone. "Then you'll forget me, I suppose. Of course, you won't have time for old friends once your future husband is whisking you away and carrying you off to his castle, never letting your feet touch the ground."

She chuckled, expecting Sweety to respond with a playful jab or at least a light-hearted smile. Instead, Sweety's face remained a blank canvas, a stark contrast to her usual vibrant self. Kavitha's teasing smile faltered as she noticed the emptiness in her friend's eyes.

"Are you alright?" Kavitha's voice softened with concern.

"I... I'm fine," Sweety replied, but her voice lacked its usual warmth and strength, sounding hollow and distant.

"You don't seem alright," Kavitha said, her worry deepening. She walked over to Sweety, standing directly in front of her. The sparkle that once graced Sweety's face had dimmed, replaced by a pallor that spoke of unseen sorrow.

Her eyes were heavy and downcast, rarely meeting Kavitha's gaze. There was an unmistakable sadness that seemed to weigh on her, a quiet lamentation that Kavitha had never seen before.

Kavitha gently cupped Sweety's chin and lifted it, forcing her to look up. The sight that met her was heart-wrenching. Sweety's eyes were brimming with unshed tears, and as the first drop fell, she could no longer contain the flood of emotions.

Sweety's tears spilled over, cascading down her cheeks, and she buried herself in Kavitha's comforting embrace. Her sobs were muffled against Kavitha's shoulder, each cry a poignant release of the grief she had been holding in. The walls she had built around herself, the facade of strength she had maintained, crumbled in that moment, leaving her vulnerable and raw.

Kavitha's shirt grew wet with the salt of Sweety's tears, but she held her friend close, gently patting her back and whispering words of comfort. The sound of her soothing voice, the warmth of her embrace, was all that mattered in that moment, as she cradled Sweety through the storm of her emotions.

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