Chapter Fourteen

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"Mom, could we please delay it for a few more months? I'll wrap up the shoot and return as soon as I can," Sweety spoke into her phone, her voice calm yet firm.

"But Sweety, what do I tell them? What will they think of us if we keep postponing?" Ramya's voice crackled with frustration and concern.

"I'm sure they'll understand, Ma. They know my passion and how much this project means to me. Just ask them to push it back a bit. They'll appreciate the situation I'm in," Sweety replied, her tone soothing as she tried to assuage her mother's worries.

"Fine, but you're always like this—never listening to me! Still, you must be careful out there, Sweety. Have you forgotten what happened four years ago? What if you run into him again? How will you manage on your own?" Ramya's voice was now laced with palpable anxiety.

"Ma, I'm not a child anymore. I know how to handle myself. You're overthinking it!" Sweety rolled her eyes, though there was affection in her tone.

"You said the same thing last time, and look where that led us! You know I'm right to be worried," Ramya persisted, her concern unwavering.

"I know, Ma. But trust me, this time, everything will be different. I've grown, and I'm prepared for whatever comes my way. Now, can I speak to Appa?" Sweety asked, gently steering the conversation away from her mother's anxieties.

"What secrets do you two have that you need to hide from me?" Ramya huffed, her irritation clear, though it was tinged with a familiar warmth that made Sweety chuckle.

"That's between Appa and me, Ma. Some things just don't need to be shared!" Sweety teased, her voice playful.

"Fine, fine! Go ahead, then." Ramya relented, handing the phone over to Nassar with a resigned smile.

"Hello, my dearest Sweety! How are you holding up?" Nassar's voice was warm and reassuring, a steady anchor in the storm of emotions swirling within her.

"I'm doing well, Appa. And you? How have you been?" she replied, her voice softening as she spoke to him.

"I'm fine, sweetheart. But tell me, what's really on your mind? I can sense that something is troubling you," he gently prodded, his fatherly intuition kicking in.

She hesitated, her heart fluttering with a mix of apprehension and unresolved feelings. "Appa... well, it's just that..." she began, her voice faltering.

"Sweety, you know you can tell me anything. What's bothering you?" he encouraged, his tone as gentle as ever.

She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak the truth. "Appa, I... I met Prabhas again," she confessed, her words causing a ripple of shock to course through him.

"What? Wait, one moment, sweetheart," Nassar's voice dropped as he swiftly stepped outside, ensuring Ramya couldn't overhear this delicate conversation.

After a few tense seconds, he continued, "Now, tell me, is this true? You really saw him?"

"Yes, Appa. I saw him at the college reunion," she confirmed, her emotions an unpredictable blend of nostalgia, unease, and something else she couldn't quite name.

"And did you speak with him?" he asked, his voice carefully measured, as though bracing himself for whatever came next.

"Yes, but it was nothing like before. Just a simple exchange of greetings... 'hi' and 'hello'—nothing more," she replied, her tone tinged with a quiet melancholy.

Nassar exhaled, the weight of his concern lifting slightly. "That's a relief. My dear, I just want you to stay safe, both in body and heart. I don't want to see you hurt again, do you understand?"

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