Chapter 1

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< Chapter 1 >

Erin's POV -

"ERIN SUMMERS WHY AREN'T YOU UP YET?!" my mom screamed at me while pulling my covers away.

I groaned in frustration, mumbling incoherently and rolled over to face her, managing to roll off the bed in process. I landed on my ass with a thud and my mom laughed at my clumsiness.

"Gosh Erin you're such a klutz! Now go get ready for school," she said, whilst shaking her head with a smile.

As I hear the door shut, I hopped out of bed and went to shower. The hot water cascaded down my back as I traced the scar on my collarbone. Shuddering at the memory, I quickly turned off the water and dried myself.

Realizing I took 15 minutes to shower, I quickly took a pair of jeans and my favorite hoodie and applied some lipgloss. I've never understood the need to apply so much make-up like the girls in my school, they look as fake as Pamela Anderson's boobs.


I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and grabbed a toast from the plate. I yelled a goodbye to my mom as I ran out the front door and unlocked the door to my van. Looking at the clock, I saw that I was left with 8 minutes to make it to school. I sped off and in 5 minutes, Piccadilly High School came into view. I reached school in record's time!

Doing a snoopy dance in my head, I went to my locker to take my books needed for first period. I sighed as I made my way to class, thinking "today's gonna be hell."


As I stepped into class, the bell rang, and Mr Johnson gave me a disapproving look. I quickly scurried to the only seat left -- which was beside Andrew Blake, the typical bad boy in our school. He was gorgeous with his green eyes, brunette hair and a hot body.

If looks could kill, I would have died a hundred times with the looks the girls were shooting me. I sat at the edge of my seat and tried to pay attention to the lesson.


"Pssst pssst" I tried to ignore the annoying sound. "Pssst pssst" ugh what's wrong with that guy?! I'm trying to focus! "Pssst pssst" the sound was coming from Andrew?

I narrowed my eyes at him as I turned to face him. He put out his hand and I quirked an eyebrow. He smiled, amused, and said, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Andrew Blake."

Damn this guy is gorgeous. Blushing, I shook his hand and replied, "I'm Erin Summers." His eyes opened wide and he looked shocked. Then he shot me a knowing look, as if he knew me from before. I stared at him confused. What did that mean?

I opened my mouth to ask him but at that moment, Mr Johnson said, "Class, the person you're sitting with now will be your partner for this English project till the end of this term." Andrew looked at me and for a moment, I saw a foreign emotion flash pass his eyes. Before I could understand it, it was gone.

Smirking, he said, "Guess we will be seeing more of each other, Summers."

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