Chapter 1

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Todoroki was sitting inside his father's mansion, warm under a blanket with his mate. The TV played a frightening movie that made Shoto's mate cuddle closer to him. He chuckled and hugged them close to his chest. "It's okay, I'll protect you," he said soothingly as he released a comforting scent that calmed his omega.

They stayed there for a long time. Just being with each other. Shoto then got up slowly. He began to walk towards the kitchen to grab some alcohol. He was almost at the fridge when he felt someone grab his hand. It was his mate.

"Honey, we've talked about this" he said, irritated. "I know I just..." his mate trailed off, "you get aggressive when you drink. And last time you did..." they trailed off again.

"Could you stop muttering? It's getting on my nerves" he growled. The omega was clearly nervous, afraid even. "I don't want you to drink anymore," they muttered quietly, though loud enough for Shoto to hear.

"What?" "I don't want you to drink anymore," they said more sternly now. Shoto pulled his hand away and turned to face his mate. His face was scrunched into a mean glare.

"You don't tell me what to do. Do you remember who the alpha is here?" He growled, moving closer to the omega. "I know I just-" Shoto striking them across the face, making them drop to the tile floor, cut them off. Shoto glared at the omega. But his death stare was broken by a small voice from behind him.

"Papa?" Asked a young boy. Shoto turned around and saw himself standing in the doorway. Except, it was a younger version of him. He was shaking with fear, holding a small brown bear close to him. Shouto's eyes widened. He turned to look at the mirror above the coffee table and what he saw terrified him. He saw his father staring right back at him.


Shoto shot upright in his bed, panting heavily. It happened again. The dream he had been having for the past week. His worst fears come to life within his head.

He turned to look at the alarm clock on his bedside table. The clock read 5:17am. Jesus Christ again? He reluctantly got out of bed. He would fall back asleep but it would just be the same nightmare again. He knew why he was getting them. It was his worst fear after all.

Today was his first day of school at UA High. And he was nervous. He had never been nervous about anything before, nothing as harmless as this. But he knew his reasons. There was a high possibility that when he got to UA, he would meet his soul mate. And that petrified him.

If he did meet his soul mate, he could never tell them. He would know, but the other person could never find out. The reason was that Shoto believed that he was going to turn out like his father. And that meant he would abuse his mate. He couldn't let that happen to anybody.

But it would be hard. Not being able to tell someone how much he or she mean to you is this most unbelievable pain you could imagine. Shouto's mom told him that. Endeavor was never her soul mate. They only got together so Endeavor could have a powerful kid. And knowing that someone is meant for you without being able to have them would be utter agony. But it had to be done, for their safety. Whoever they may be.

Shoto finished getting dressed in his uniform and packed his things for school. He snuck downstairs and slipped out the front door. He breathed in the cool morning air.

The sky was still tinted pink since the sun had just risen. A cool breeze blew past him and played with Shoto's bi-colour hair. He took on last deep breath before walking down the steps and heading towards school.

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