Chapter 5

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Todoroki took slow steps down the sidewalk. The sun was peeking just over the clouds and the brisk autumn wind blew leaves across the concrete. Shoto inhaled and exhaled calmly, taking in the soothing scent of dry leaves and moist grass. It was peaceful, his walk home. Just him and his thoughts. And those thoughts were soft, comforting ones. Or at least, they usually were. Today was different. This time, the thoughts were like a marching band was stomping around inside his skull.

You need to talk to him! You need to tell him! No don't tell him! You'll hurt him! You'll abuse him! You'll be JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER!

Shoto clenched his jaw and shook his head, trying to make the voices go away. But they just got louder. Screaming at him. Never ceasing. He just wanted it to be quiet. Why can't it just be quiet?!

"Todoroki?" A voice called from behind him. And just like that, the voices disappeared. He knew that voice. He turned around to see Midoriya running to catch up with him from down the street. He gasped slightly. Seeing the boy run after him simply beaming made Todoroki smile. Izuku finally caught up to Todoroki and panted heavily.

"Todoroki! I...didn't know...your house...was this way!" Izuku said in between pants. Shoto chuckled and looked down at the breathless boy. His sweet scent seemed to almost seduce Todoroki, calling him. But he had to resist it. "Yeah, it is. Guess that means we can walk to and from school together," he said and grinned. He could walk to school and back with Izuku. The thought made him smile. He started walking again once Midoriya caught his breath. "Oh yeah! We can!" He said enthusiastically. He seemed almost too excited about that. Shoto then got an idea. "Hey do you want to come over today? We could hang out at my house and finish some homework, maybe watch some tv," he suggested, praying Izuku would say yes.

Midoriya's face lit up. "Sure!" He exclaimed. Shoto cocked an eyebrow at the green boy. Izuku's emerald eyes sparkled with excitement as they stared up at Todoroki. Shoto couldn't help but blush. "Uh, let's turn here. My house is this way," he said, looking away and hoping to hide his blush from Izuku. Midoriya nodded, not noticing the taller boy's flushing face. They began to walk towards Todoroki's house. The walk was silent, but not an awkward silent, a peaceful one.

The voices weren't screaming anymore. And Todoroki knew why. It was because he was here. He made everything better. He was perfect.

"We're here," Todoroki said simply as they reached a large house on the corner of the street. He carefully walked up to the front door, taking out his key from his pocket. He unlocked the door and opened it slowly with a silent creak. He looked around the living room of the house. Nobody seemed to be home yet. Good.

Todoroki walked into the house with Midoriya following close behind. He shut the door behind him.

"Let's head up to my room," Shoto said casually as he began to walk up the stairs. Izuku blushed involuntarily and nodded, following Todoroki up the stairs. Once they were on the second floor they walked down a long hallway to the last room.

"This is it," Shoto said as he opened the door. Izuku was pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness of Todoroki's room. There were a couple hero posters along the walls of the bedroom as well as some figurines on shelves. There were a couple shirts and pants scattered along the floor but other than that it was pretty tidy.

"Sorry for the mess, if I knew someone would be coming over I would have cleaned up," Todoroki chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. Midoriya smiles and walked over to the bed, sitting down and crossing his legs. "It's alright, I like it," he said with a friendly smile. Todoroki chuckled lightly and walked over to the bed as well, sitting beside Midoriya. "Thanks"

They sat in silence for a bit. Todoroki was thinking of something they could do.

"Oh! You study heroes right?" Todoroki asked curiously. Midoriya blushed from embarrassment. "I wouldn't say study..." he said awkwardly, "but yes I do take notes." Have you seen the video of All Might defeating a villain today? It happened while we were in school," Shoto explained. Midoriya shook his head. "Oh I need to show it to you. It's really cool," he said and reached over to his desk. He grabbed his laptop and leaned up against the headboard of his bed, opening his laptop.

Midoriya looked nervously at Todoroki. Does he want me to sit beside him?

Todoroki looked up from his screen at Izuku. He smiled slightly and patted the spot on the bed next to him. Midoriya smiled and moved so he was sitting next to Todoroki.

Todoroki began to play the video. Midoriya watched attentively as All Might fought the dark villain. He unconsciously lay his head on Todoroki's shoulder while watching. Warmth spread through Todoroki's body once again. Little pieces of Izuku's wild hair tickled his neck slightly. His breath hitched and he tensed slightly. Izuku felt this and took his head off Todoroki immediately. "Sorry! I-I didn't realize..."

"It's alright," Shoto said with a kind smile as he looked at the flustered Izuku. Midoriya smiled and went back to leaning on him. Todoroki smiled and relaxed.

They were almost finished watching the video when the door to Todoroki's room swung open violently, making the two boys jump. "Shoto Todoroki!" A booming voice called into the room. The #2 hero Endeavor was standing in the door. He cocked an eyebrow at the two boys. "Oh, you have a friend over," he said more quietly once he noticed the frightened Midoriya.

"Hi dad. Uh, yeah, this is Midoriya," Todoroki told him, clearly annoyed by his father. Izuku looked at Todoroki with a that's-your-father? face. Shoto nodded and looked back at his father. "Do you need something?" He asked with an irritated tone. Endeavor stared at him with a fiery glare. "It's time for training. Your friend has to go."

Todoroki sighed and closed his laptop, placing it back on the desk and standing up. "Okay, but I'm walking him out," he said as Izuku stood up. Shoto pushed past his father while Midoriya respectfully slid past him.

- - -

"Sorry about him, he's obnoxious," Todoroki apologizes as he stood outside his front door. Midoriya chuckled slightly. "It's okay. I can't believe your dad is Endeavor!" He exclaimed, astounded. Todoroki shrugged and leaned against the door frame.

They stood there in silence for a while. The cool autumn wind messed with Midoriya's hair and tangled it even further. Only adding to his cuteness. Izuku looked down at his hands nervously, fiddling with his thumbs. "Well I should get going..." he said awkwardly.


Izuku felt an arm snake around his waist as he was pulled forward. His chest collided with Todoroki's and he looked up to see the boy was much closer than before. He felt his warm breath brush his lip again, reminding him of earlier today. He blushed deeply as he gazed into those captivating bi-coloured eyes.

"Todoroki..." Izuku breathed quietly. He placed a hand gently on his cheek as his eyes fluttered closed. He began to move toward the other boy. His urge was too strong. He had to do it. Just to know what it felt like. Just to know how he tasted...

"Shoto Todoroki!" A familiar voice yelled from inside the closed door, snapping the boys back to reality.

Todoroki loosened his grip on Midoriya, moving slowly away from him. "You...should go...." he said quietly.

No. I don't want too. Midoriya opened his eyes to see Shoto looking away, not meeting his eyes. He opened his mouth to protest but closer it again. "Okay," He said and backed away from the other. "I'll see tomorrow. Should I just come here in the morning?" He asked, referring to them walking to school the next day.

"Yeah..." Todoroki said quietly, still not looking at the green-haired boy.

Midoriya nodded slightly and turned, beginning his walk back to his house. Knowing how awkward it would be the next day. And hoping that next time, they may not get interrupted.

- - -

Ahhhh! You guys probably hate me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment telling me what you thought! Loves ya!

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