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Todays chapters song-Take Me Home by Jess Glynne.

(Y/n) POV

I lay awake on the couch. I had hardly got much sleep the night before, with all the snoring. Finn was sleeping on the single bed furthest from me. I wondered if he was avoiding me.

It was about 8'oclock, and the house was still dead silent. I sat myself up on the couch, taking in where everyone was sleeping. Sophia and Wyatt laid next to each other peacefully. While (b/f/n) laid next to Jack how was on the edge of the double bed with (b/f/n) holding him while he slept. God she was creepy. Chosen was on the other couch and Jaeden was on the single bed next to Finn.

Finn looked so peaceful and calm while he slept. But I'm sure everyone does, but it was just Finn, he looked so, so. Oh who cares it's not like I like like him.

"Awake already?" Finn said rubbing his eyes while sitting up on his bed.

I couldn't help but let my eyes move down his body. He had no top on and just shorts. He had a slight outline of abs, but was skinny and lanky. If I was looking for a man, Finn would get a tick of approval for his body.

I quickly darted my eyes back to Finns gaze that was luckily looking out the window.

"Looks like a nice day for the picnic today." Finn said whispering not wanting to wake anyone.

Crap, I completely forgot about the picnic today. Here I was putting my defences up. What does a picnic mean anyways? It's not like it's a date or anything, besides Sophia and (b/f/n) is coming along wit Wyatt and Jack.

"You okay? You seemed to zone out? Not bailing on me are you?" Finn and whispering and coming to sit on the couch I was lying on.

When Finn took the seat next to me I shuffled over, trying to sit as far away as I could. Finn noticed and seemed to furrow his eyebrows but shook it off.

"Yea of course... buddy." I said awkwardly and slowly and nervously punched him slightly on the shoulder. Why did I just punch him on the shoulder?

Finn looked at my hand that was punching his shoulder. He seemed confused but then giggled a little.

"Alright then." Finn said with a wide bright smile. Oh gosh, was that smile beautifully perfect, his teeth were so white and straight. "What do you say we wake them up?" Finn said then changing his bright smile into a grin.

I couldn't help but grin back, I nodded in approval.

Then as if we read each other's minds we jumped off the couch and spread ourselves across from Wyatt and Sophia, through to Jack and (b/f/n). We then rolled onto Jaeden giggling. I then got up and went to the couch shaking Chosen. He didn't wake up so I did the only thing possible.

I jumped onto the couch and started shaking him.

"Chosen, oh Chosen. Wake up, you're late for school!" I said giggling.

"Alright Mum Alright." Chosen said waving his hands still with his eyes closed.

"Chosen." I said once more.

"Alright I'm-" Chosen said but before he could finish his sentence he pushed himself up bumping his head into mine.

"Shit I'm so sorry." Chosen said holding his forehead where he had hit me. I held my hand to my forehead too, rubbing it slightly.

"Nah nah, all good." I said.

I then realised I was sitting on Chosen. Oh not just sitting, I was straddling him. And not only was I straddling him, he was holding his hand behind my back as if supporting me.

I instantly felt my cheeks burn, I got off and went back to my couch. I don't think no one noticed but I couldn't help but feel someone looking at me.

I looked over at Finn, still holding my forehead and caught eye contact with him.

He seemed to be searching my face, obviously because I had just been blushing. Oh god, I hope he didn't see how I was sitting on Chosen then.


Why does it matter? Finn doesn't like me. I don't like Finn.

I then got up and went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

(B/f/n) turned on the tv and they all watched whatever came on.

I heard footsteps come into the kitchen and I turned around and almost dropped my glass.

Finn was almost on top of me he was that close. I was up against the sink, and Finn just looked me in the eyes. He just starred me down.

I felt, safe? No. I don't know. It was weird.

I cleared my throat as if to speak, but no words came out. Nothing. I felt my mouth dry, although I had just had a glass of water. I started looking around the room awkwardly. Finn placed his hands either side of the sink and lock me in.

"Do you like Chosen?" Finn said locking eyes with me.

"Huh?" Was all that came out. He was so close to me I felt his breath on me. I wanted to back up, move away. But part of me wanted to move closer to him. If that was even possible.

"Do. You. Like. Chosen." Finn said making his sentence clear.

"What? No of course not I barely know the guy." I said furrowing my eyes, confused as to why he would ask such a thing.

Finn just looked at me, his eyes furrowed, and he just bite his lip. God was that hot.

I started at me, and I just started back. He seemed to search my face, for any expression well I assume that was why.

"Woah, ah, don't mind me, just grabbing my phone off charge." Sophia said then grabbing her phone and slowly backing up.

I snuck from under Finns little hold of me and put my glass down on the bench.

"You coming?" I asked before I headed back to the lounge. I turned and faced Finn. He was looking out the window, not facing me, nor looking at me.

I walked over to Finn quietly. What was he thinking about? He was so focused on what he was thinking about that he didn't notice me walk besides him.

I placed my hand on his shoulder which seemed to bring him back to reality.

"You okay?" I asked, this time I locked eyes with him.

"Yea, course." Finn said giving me one of his famous quick smiles he gives in interviews. I just nodded and went to head to the lounge.

I didn't feel Finn walking behind me so I turned once again. This time he was looking at me. But this time, I didn't blush, or look away.

This time I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. And there it was again. That dang spark. I didn't flinch, I just grabbed it.

"Come on silly, don't wanna miss out on the Jack drama." I said smirking and walking into the lounge dragging Finn by the hand.

I did. Obviously?
Y'all can give me a clap like our fellow Finn here.
But this chapter is unedited bc I couldn't be stuffed. There will be a day
When I will go through this story and edit it all, but that day is just not today.
Anyways. THANKYOU SM FOR 300 READS! Like I was so happy to come home from my holiday to see that. And I know what you're probably thinking 'wow she got 300 reads. How amazing' I would say thankyou very much because it is! I'm so happy people are reading and enjoying my book.

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