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Evan's pov

I wake up..... or was i asleep all along?  i was in a strange place...... faint memorys dance through my head........ the beeping..... the hopsital....... faint images of the debate class, seems so far away now....... my phone..... kelvin......... my phone?


my eyes snap open and i look around, it takes a minute but i don't know where I am........

its really warm and like florida i look around and its like a desert. plus theres some wild fires in the distance and a smell of bad and sweat and warmth. the ground is red like a bloody sidewalk and the air has a red tinge i hear peoples screaming in the back. Uh oh this dont look good.....

then i see a satan man appear infront of me and he laughs and i see his face its getting bigger now oh god and i still can't find my phone???????? MY PHONE?????????????

i crawl on the ground and staet screaming i cant find it......... i cant find it......

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