Challenge 1: Day 29

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Five weird things that I like:

I like a lot of things that are weird to some people but that I absolutely love!

1. Metal and hard rock. Nobody I know is as into it as I am and most of my classmates just think it's weird or stupid. I think the same about pop music.

2. Books. Actual booms, made out of paper. I hate e-readers. I can't stand them (for some reason Wattpad is an exception... I don't know why). I need to feel the pages of a book underneath my fingers.

3. I'm into pinballmachines. My dad loves them and has them since he grew up. I love learning how to clean them, change lamps, fix them, ... And of course: playing on them!

4. Is being an absolute booknerd a weird thing? Because I can walk into the library and just tell you what books are perfect for you and which ones might nit be your style. I've read almost all of them.

5. I hate parties. Now, before you shoot me, I don't like loud popmusic, I love movies and I hate drunk people and just everything about parties in general. Just put on a movie and give me some PJ's. Perfect evening to me.

Guys! This is the second last challenge. After this there's only one left. If you're going to miss this as much as I will, definitely check out my other books.

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