Ethan Nakamura x Reader

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So, I know Ethan died in the books, but I really liked his character, and was actually pretty upset when he did die. So I'm making this, partially based on something I've wanted to do for a while but with some help from my friend Amanda (let's give her some applause). I hope you like it! Also, in this story I won't be calling back to anything that happened during the Titan War (it would make me have to write waaaay too much backstory) But anyway, in this Ethan lives at Camp Half-Blood, and he's happy(for the most part)


"Ethan!" You called across the pavillion. There weren't many people there; a few younger kids tossing a ball around over the tables, and Chiron talking to someone from the Demeter cabin. You were barefoot, and your feet covered in mud, having just returned from the lake, where Percy, Annabeth, and a few others had been hanging out. Ethan sat alone at a table, turning a knife around in his hands.

You had liked Ethan since the first day you met him, although it had taken some time for him to warm up to you. At first, you thought he'd hated you. But now, the two of you were good friends, and Ethan never complained about your presence. Over time, you had developed a small crush on him, but nothing you couldn't control. You were able to conceal those feelings when you were around him.

But he really is cute, you thought. Many people were intimidated by his dark appearance, and the eye patch that covered his left eye, but you found those to be some of his best qualities. You liked that he was different. You liked that he had a rough exterior that, once you broke through, you found a kind person.

As you called his name, he glanced up, and on seeing you, he brightened up a little and gave a small wave. You smiled and headed in his direction, leaving behind you a trail of muddy footprints that gradually faded as the mud wiped off your feet. You sat down across the table from him and smiled as he set the knife down.

"Why are you sitting here alone?" You asked, taking the knife from where he'd set it on the table and trying to balance it on its tip.

He shrugged, "I don't have anything else to do."

"You could come down to the lake," you suggested, "A few of us were hanging out there."

"Nah," he said dismissively, "I'm not too big a fan of the water."

"Then how about the woods? Grover said he and Juniper were planning a get together out there tonight."

"Thanks," he said, "but I'd rather not."

"You could come hang out at my cabin," you said, "I'm sure my siblings wouldn't mind."

"No, that's alright."

"Are you okay?" You asked, genuinely concerned, "You're acting strange. Did something happen?"

He sighed, "Well, I'm trying this thing where I try not to kill people who have inconvenienced me in miniscule ways. So I'd rather not be around people right now."

"Oh." You said, then began to stand from your seat, "Then I'll go. I'll see you later?"

"No!" He said suddenly, shooting up from his seat and reaching to grab your arm, "I...I didn't mean you. Stay here with me?"

Glancing down at his hand on your arm, you could feel your face begin to heat up. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. You nodded.

"Okay." You said, coming around the table to sit beside him. You realized that you still held his knife, fidgeting with the handle nervously. You held it out to him, and he took it, his fingers brushing against yours.

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