Day 3

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Will woke up in a good mood today and raised my mood when he asked to sing along to whatever playlist was currently playing through the speakers. Gee walked in halfway through our jam session to film us on her snap chat and my camera, luckily we caught her when I was rolling my arm out as a wave for Will to carry on. It was only 9 in the morning, my lecture was at 2 but it finished at 7, then we would go to my dorm to check in on Luke and Charlie the cat.

Today, we decided to drive but considering it was Will's car that I couldn't drive, we had to swap wrists before setting off in the busy London traffic. Changing gear was the hardest because I could be sat on my phone when suddenly, my arm was being tugged sideways so Will could change gear, but eventually, we did arrive to see tired looking students carrying piles of books towards study halls and libraries. Will climbed out and I followed out of his door, despite the weird looks I was receiving. Most did eventually spot the camera and the cuffs and register it but there were a few campus professors giving us strange glances.

We made our way across the quad until-

"Will? Is that you?" A girl asked from behind us. He turned and smiled at the girl, wearing a hoodie with Darcey on it.

"Oi, nah, that is the ugliest jumper I have ever seen," He joked and she laughed, then asking to take a picture with him.

"Wait, can Maddie be in it too? I know it'll be hard otherwise because of the situation," She asked, gesturing to the handcuffs. At least one person remembered my name from the video Will posted on Twitter.

We finally made our way to my lecture hall with 10 minutes to spare, in which we found seats right near the back and set up all the books and pens I needed.


"CHARLIEEEEE! I missed you baby," I cooed, stroking his head and behind his ears. Luke and Will could be heard scoffing as I showed affection to the cat purring against my leg.

"WILL! LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS!" I shouted at him and he shook his head, although bending down to stroke Charlie.

"Aw, he just wants attention," Luke whispered, pointing out the fact that he had not been giving him the love he needed.



"Can we take him wit-"



"OH MY GOD HE'S SO SOFT!" She screeched as Charlie sat on her lap. The sofa in Will's apartment dipped as Will took a seat next to me from his previous standing position, still shaking his head at me and Gee's encouragement.

"How did you convince me to bring him here again?"

"Shush, you love me really," I replied but the sudden drop in the room told me that I should not have said that. Really should not have said that. Will coughed. Gee sniffled. I sneezed. 

"Bless you."

"I'm already blessed with good looks, what next," I joked, attempting to move on, "What do you lot want for tea?"



"Dominoes it is then."

And 40 minutes later, we were all tucking into our pizzas, other than Charlie who was swiftly making his way through a packet of cat food and his bowl of biscuits. Gee cooed at the sight, and turned to Will, begging for him to let them get a cat for the flat. Will refused, as expected and hence started a loud debate of "Why not?" "Because I said so, and who will look after it when we're gone" - I didn't help the situation when I raised my hand and said I would. This gained me a smirk from Gee and a death glare from Will, who continued to shake his head in disagreement.

As the evening progressed, Will's demeanor seemed to aswell. Charlie had perched himself on Will's lap. Initially, he had let out a groan of annoyment but within 1o minutes he was slowly petting the cats head and trying to gain his attention by making a 'pspspspsps' noise. Fair to say it didn't go unnoticed by Gee and I, who shared knowing looks with each other, only to be caught by a disgruntled Will. So when it finally came time to go to bed, we weren't surprised when Charlie followed suit and curled himself up between Will and I's legs, emitting a soft purr that could be heard in the silence of the room. 

"You know what you said earlier? About the love thing?" Will whispered awkwardly.


"I do. Still love you, I mean."


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