The following dilemma

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Will: where were you in the morning?

Maddie: had to get to uni. gee let me go at like 7

Will: oh okay

Maddie: sorry

Will:  no no, it's fine don't worry

Will: i'm going to edit the video today, anything you want to add?

Maddie: can u give me one of them cool intros where you tell everyone about me

Maddie: but don't refer to me as a nonce, or a prat or something

Will: got it.

Maddie read at 2:17pm

"Maddie!!I've missed you man!!" Luke called down the corridor as he saw me heading for the communal kitchen. He waited at his door for me to pass, then walked next to me into the kitchen.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked in order to fill the silence. He nods and points to the coffee pot in my left hand, "Good choice."

"So what did you get onto whilst you were away?" Luke asked, his voice raising in competition with the kettle.

"Drinking a lot, studying, I filmed a bit with Will but I mostly just sat on the floor – although their was once when I sat on his l- um chair I mean and it was uncomfortable."

Luke and I had "history" you could say. I think I fancied him when I first moved in. I slept with him on Freshers week when we were both smashed, but we both agreed that two people as funny as us would never work out as a couple so we just cooked for each other and argued about washing dishes platonic-ally. When I'd first told Luke about Will's proposition, he was not impressed to say the least.


"I can't believe you'd fall for his tricks AGAIN Maddie! Thought you were supposed to be smart."

"He's not trying to trick me! He's just ran out of video ideas! I'm just doing a favour for an old friend!"

"Old friends? Old friends don't treat each other like he did!"

"Like what Luke?Putting their career in front of everything else? Yeah, I get that!I'd do that! I'd prioritise my job over you any day! I mean – no I didn't mean that, Luke come back and finish this argument, don't be such a prick."


Obviously,we'd cleared the air since then, but it still felt awkward. Handing him the drink and giving him a smile, I walked to the door to return to my room.

"Maddie,wait!" Luke called after me. I turned on my heal and some of the  drink spilt on the floor.


"I'm glad you're back." He smiled, I smiled, and I walked out.  

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