Day 4

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"Will." No response.

"William." No response.

"Lenney." No response. 

"What?" He mumbled sleepily. 

"It's half past 12."


"Get your bum up," I replied softly. He rolled, I followed. He called for Gee, in she came running with the key and a bright smile - man, i love that girl.

We washed, dressed and were cuffed once again, and both huffed simultaneously as we flopped on the sofa.

"There are 13 hours left of this day."

"13? That's like-"

"780 minutes," I cut him off, bored out of my mind using maths to solve my boredom.

"How did you know that?"

"I'm a wizard bitch," I replied.

"Do you mean a witch?"

"Nope. I'm a man."


4 mugs of coffee later and we were ready to film. Will set up his camera and the lights whilst messing with his hair in the viewfinder and I messing with the position of my eyebrows - first world problems, I know. He turned his head to face me slowly and gave me a nod, telling me he was ready, and so was I. Although, Will hadn't told me what we were filming, he just said that he needed me and my phone.

"Right ok, I've got an idea," Will shouted at the camera, "I have Tinder. Maddie probably has Tinder."

He paused and looked at me. I gave him a nod to confirm that I did.

"Um, yeah, I just don't use it," I laughed.

"Today, I thought it be good to change each other's Tinder and get some action in our very deprived love lives."

"Speak for yourself," I replied, giggling slightly.

"You own a cat at the age of 21 - trust me, deprived. Alright, hand me your phone, we're gonna do you first," Will continued, grabbing my phone and opening up Tinder. Scrolling straight to my profile he clicked on Edit and deleted the current pictures, setting my main photo as the same from my Twitter. I was wearing a huge black hoodie with my hair half up half down, smiling at the camera. Next he chose the picture from when I met Will Poulter at a Kendrick Lamar concert, followed by a picture of him - 6 chins and a toothy grin. Shaking my head, I grinned at him and laughed slightly. For the next 2, he chose two from my Instagram where I looked slightly presentable. 

"AHA YOU WAIT FOR THE BIO MADDIE! LET'S SEE HOW MUCH DICK YOU GET AFTER THIS!" He shouted, laughing at the same time. 

"Will en ee is ...myy ex boyfriend. Suuub to Will en ne," He read out slowly as he typed and my mouth fell open in shock. 


"What, I'm being honest."

"Ugh, fine," I give up, although I smile when I see him click the save button. 

"Right so I'm just going to swipe right for the duration of time till Maddie finishes my profile," Will states as he hands me his phone, my eyes lighting up like Christmas trees. Immediately, I went to his profile and changed the pictures to these.

 Immediately, I went to his profile and changed the pictures to these

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"Maddie," He groaned, "At least I chose decent pictures of you - I actually hate you so much right now

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"Maddie," He groaned, "At least I chose decent pictures of you - I actually hate you so much right now."

"Well, we all know that's not true," I tutted, whilst clicking on his bio. I began typing "Hello, my names Will. I love the gym and smoking weed. I take the piss out of 12 year old grime artists on the internet because I am a big nonce xxx" 

"Maddie," He groaned, followed by a burst of laughter. 

I saved and swiped right for absolutely everyone, getting messages and swipe backs within minutes.


Sighing I jumped on the bed dragging Will down with me. 

"I. Am. Tired." I mumbled out separately.

"Me Too." Will replied, copying me.

"I want to sleep." 

"I want to sleep as well."



"Can we go to sleep please?"

"Yes Maddie," He replied, opening his arms, letting me rest my head on his chest.

cuffed // willneWhere stories live. Discover now