the Chase

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(Y/n)= your name

(F/c)= your fur colour

(E/c)= eye colour)

*your POV*

"I I'm sorry miss z Zara I I promise I won't do I it again!" I pleaded.

"Ha to later I gave you one to many Chances!!!" Zara said running at me. I ran and ran until I ran out of breath.

" any last words? " she growled...

"ZARA LET HER GO!" I heard a voice.

"Ha what are two little lion cubs going to do?!?!" She laughed.

"I will do this" the male cub said as he pounced on Zara. She fell on me and everything went black.....

"Mom? Are you there?!?!" I cried. No repose......

"MOM?!?!?" I yelled. No one came. I cried.

"Hello?" I voice asked.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked.

"No..... Its vitani. Who are you?" The voice asked.

"(Y/n)..... Do you know where my mom or dad is?"


"Are you ok?" A voice asked. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the male cub again.

"M my head hurts but I'm fine..." I said. He offered his paw to help me up. I took it and stood up.

"Thank... Um what you name?" I asked

"Kion! And my sister kiara went to get help." Lion said. I bowed down.

"Why are you bowing?"

"Your royalty!!"I stated.

" well my sister gets the crown or whatever...." He said. "Um do you have a pride?"

"Not really... I was adopted by a outlander... But I had real parents at one point! I just cant remeder who they are or what the look like..." I explained.

"KION!!!" A full grown lioness yelled. She ran out and rubbed against his side.

"Mom." He said with a sigh. I backed away a bit.

"Who's your new friend?" His mom asked.

"I forgot to ask...."

"It (y/n)!" I said smiling a bit.

A/n: to be continued!!!!

lion love (kion x reader)Where stories live. Discover now