Apples vs. Rubies

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     Let me tell you something. Adentrine is only three social statuses, Street Rats (me and my friends), The Rich, and The Royalties. The bad part of being a Street Rat is you get everything in the form of scraps.
    Though the saying goes as Street Rats, you're not in trouble if you don't get caught... Hence, you do whatever you want and laws of the Rich don't apply. Though, Royal Laws do apply to Street Rats, which is stupid. I try to follow the Royal rules, but sometimes I go too far and I've been close to death many times.

    But this time was different... I walked about six miles from where I helped Joey escape. Finding myself cross the street trying to find another way to get breakfast... Well more like lunch now... And BOOM!!!

    A pair of gorgeous ice blue eyes looked me straight in the eyes from the other side of the road. The being was sitting there staring at me as if it were looking straight. Its entire face was covered with the scarf that wrapped around its head and neck. It's eyebrows and the way its nose bridged gave away its gender. She. It was a she. Not that many Street Rats got stared at by women. But it was very rare to be looked at in this way.
    I didn't notice that I was still in the middle of the road so I crossed it and, being the smooth talker I am, I went over to her. Her gaze quickly pinned to a man in a very expensive outfit. That's when I saw the tattoo on his and her hand. Royalty. I sighed. I was four feet away and turned to the apples on the stand next to the tiny cafe tables that they were sitting at.
Eying her from the corner of my eye, I stole three apples when the being that owned the stand wasn't looking. Borrowing a hat from an old Horpish alien that was asleep on a chair. I put the hat on and walked up to the girl.

In a very convincing lutish-English accent I introduced my self, "Herro. My name id Micpat. Woulds you lite some entertains?" I showed the apples in my hand.

   The man in the expensive outfit ignored me. But the girl was intrigued. She nodded.

"Okarr...hoperrly thiz warks!" I winked at her.

   She giggled. From her voice, I think she was about seventeen. Now the man was alert. Observing my every move. I threw the apples up and caught them. Continuing to juggle them. The girl clapped in excitement. I threw the apples up once more and I landed them on the top of my foot. The apples towered on top of each other while I balanced them standing on one foot. The girl smiled under the scarf and clapped once more. The man wasn't making any other expression than a frown. My long black locks were in front of my face, dangling there itching my nose. I had to finish the act before I started sneezing. I tossed the apples in front of the girl and the man. The man still frowned and didn't give me anything but a dead stare. There were two apples in front of the girl she gave me one and took a bite out of hers.

   "Thant you verrrry muct forrr yourrrr patients and eyes for watching me! I am the Magnify Alazx! I walked away from them with the apple biting into it.

   The taste of money never tasted better I'm with apples. I took out of my pocket a sack of six medium-sized rubies I took from them. And kissed the bag.

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