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"She's late..." Scott whined.

"She better hurry because I am starving... We ate all of last weeks food five weeks ago..." Bennie whined with him.

Three knocks, five knocks, two knocks on the false door.

"Finally! She's here!!!" Joey complained in relief.

I got the door first and again she was at the door with fresh smelling peuta rolls, comrad roast and sparkling rummin.

"FOOD'S HERE!!!" I yelled to my friends.

The pack came rushing to the table ready to chow down. Roul came in gracefully and sat the sphere of delectables on the old rickety table that we sat at. As the sphere opened their hands trampled the food. Leaving nothing but boned and wrappers.

"Wow you were hungry this time. I'd better be off.." Roul started for the door.

"Hey! How 'sa 'bout you stay for dinner!" Nickle said with a mouth full of food.

"Oh... No I am fine... father won't want me to stay too long..." Roul said.

"Yeah you never stay for dinner with us!!" Parker took another sip of the sparkling rummin."

"No really I should be heading back to my... Uh... My place...." She caughed.

Mich got up and looked her in the eyes and analyzed her. "She's hiding something... But I'm not sure what....."

"Okay, you're freaking me out with that lazy eye of yours. I need to go good night and have a nice meal... Ruby please."

I took the second to last ruby out of my pocket and tossed it to her. She caught it and left.

"I'm telling you she is fishy. And I'm not talking about goregon fishy... I'm talkin' about hascon fishy." Mich stated.

"Well she brings us food... That's a bonus..." Bennie pointed out.

"Well she's desperate for the rubies. Plus this won't be going on for that much longer... We're down to our last ruby..." I said.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Open up! This is the Royal Commanders! You are under arrest!!!" A man outside yelled.

"Quick! Get the blasters! Surprised them!" I commanded.

I blew out the only light illuminating the room. I pulled out my gun and hid under the table. As did my fellow mates, but in different places. The door was kicked down and a large musclar man stepped in followed by other Royal Commandars.

They searched the place brutally picking us out one by one. I was surprised I was the last one to be found. They took our weapons and searched the place for the goods that we stole. They cuffed us with Electros. These are the cuffs that electrify you if you even try to slip out one inch or touch the cuffs with one pinkie. The more you move the more you get electrocuted.

I tried not to moved but the stupid commander forced me to so much. Then I saw it. Her. Her stupid innocent look. She stood there like she didn't know was happening. She made the call. She finally showed her face. Her identity. Roul wasn't Roul. She was Princess Jazziness. Daughter of the Salton. She was a Royal.

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