Raised by the Recon Corps, followed by the Fall of the Wall Maria

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5 Years Later- The Year of 844- Nat's POV:

I held the blade tightly in my hands, holding myself upright with the Maneuver Gear, the cords in acute angles; the anchors at the end of the rope latched onto the cracks of the walls. Levi was observing me, his figure rigid beside Petra's relaxed and soothing form. He was patting her head down, disgusted by her hairs that flew up in protest. Erl and Günther were watching me, Erl with a complex look and Günther with a piece of paper, scribbling notes down.

"She's doing good, for a kid." Olou drawled, chugging down an ale with a loud belch. I grinned, happy to get a compliment from the senior. "Anywho, the Titans are getting bigger and bigger each time we go out, remember when Petra shit herself?" Olou smirked, and Petra's cheeks and neck flushed with embarrassment and fury.

"O-Olou, you threw up on your teammate!" She retorted, and so I giggled, swinging slightly as I rocked back and forth in the harness. They looked at me with twin glares, but that only made me smile a little more, and so I kept my attention to my harness. I squealed as the cord snapped, causing me to land on my bum on the cobblestone.

Rubbing my back, I sniffled, tears filling my big, childish eyes. "P-pe-chan!!" I wailed, a red splotch forming under my blouse down my back. Günther looked at me with startled, wide eyes; while Erl covered his mouth to sustain a chuckle. Olou barked out a laugh, causing Petra to shoot him a biting glare as she helped me up, Levi dusting me off with a gloved hand.

"Urusai!" Petra said with a huff, setting me on her lap, gently rubbing my back as I whimpered into her chest. Undoing my harness and pulling it down, Erl heaved a heavy sigh that disguised his chuckle. Petra glanced at him pointedly, both she and I knowing that he was amused.

"Looks like you need a bit more practice before going into the Corps, kiddo." He says, gently ruffling my hair as he plopped down next to me. "At least you didn't do as bad as Olou did. He flipped upside down immediately almost every day." He teased the grayette, causing him to spit out the ale he was drinking.

"Eh! Not as bad as Petra, the noisy wife!" He quickly defended himself harshly, grinning as Petra started to yell at him with an infuriated voice as she rubbed my back under my blouse, and I closed my eyes, letting myself drift off into a peaceful, homey slumber.



1 Year Later- The Year of 845- Nat's POV:

While playing tag with a girl named Annie in the fields of Wall Maria while waiting for the Recon Corps, a blast of a gate being kicked in roared through the walls, causing a tremor to rise to our feet, knocking us down. "Annie!" I cried, my head falling against a boulder as a rock the size of a meteor started to plummet onto my figure.

"Nat!" I heard a familiar man's voice bellow from the distance, but they were swept away by the hand of an Abnormal Titan. "David!!" I heard a woman's voice shriek from the other side, and so she trailed after the Titan. Before I felt the meteor crush my frame and the organs, blood, and guts inside, I could feel the cool breeze of a shadow hover over me. I looked up to see a Titan with blonde tufts of hair that fell to her shoulders, and cold, icy blue eyes that leered into mine as she hefted the rock on her shoulders.

"Annie? What-what happened to Annie?" I start softly, my lip trembling as the Titan only grunted in response-a long huff of air- and so I took that as no answer. "No... What happened to Annie?!" I felt tears fill my eyes, falling down my cheeks like little droplets of rain.  The Titan shook her head, kneeling on one leg to keep herself balanced. "Answer me, please!" I hiccuped a sob, turning my head each way to look for my friend across the vast land of fields and plains, the Titans venturing closer until I knew I would die if I didn't move.

The Titan grunted again, a girl and her mother running from an Abnormal Titan. Lifting the rock up, the Titan shoved it down away from us and on the group, blood splattering over us and a wail heard. My eyes shake with grief and horror, my hands trembling as I clamp them over my mouth, a broken sob escaping my lips as the Titan looked me in the eyes, as if saying, 'At least it wasn't you.'

"Oi!! You!! Get outta the way!" Someone shoved me to the ground, leaping over me. I heard the 3D Maneuver gear squeal as its anchors latched onto the Titan, the man soaring like an eagle before being pulled down harshly from the cords, the Titan's fingers wrapped around the almost invisible cord, making my eyes widen.

"S-stop! Please!" I beg, and feel myself quiver as I watched the Titan woman slam her hand down on the ground, her palm smashing the man with the cord. Smearing the guts and dirt over her leg, she started to stand up, looking like she was considering to take back her 'kindness' to me and crush me with her foot.

"Kid!" I heard a man yell, and so I looked to my right, seeing a man running towards me. He had cropped blonde hair, and brown eyes that were weary, a beige, cropped jacket with the scarlet roses that were decorated over the silver emblem. A Garrison. Scooping me up with one arm, he quickly turned to the Titan-about to charge- but then saw the look she gave to him. It was as if she was bidding him a blessing, ‘Take care of my friend’, like that. I didn’t know how he got that message, but he only nodded, quickly giving off a screech of his Maneuver gear as he jumped in the air, the gas hissing as he and I flew into the next wall.

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