Chapter 3: The Winchesters

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"I'm telling you Chloe, he's lying to us. I've read the books."I argue once again to my former best friend.

We were just pulling up outside the motel that this Sam guy had led us to, I still didn't trust him for obvious reasons of course.

"Why would he lie?"Chloe muttered out, clearly more in-zoned in her phone than what I was saying.

Once I'd parked the car, I turned to look at her with the biggest bitchface that I could muster.

"Are you really going to ask me that? Take a long hard look at the world Chloe, nobody has ever been truthful or trustworthy."I almost growl out.

A gentle knock on my car's window gripped my attention, causing me to glance out and see Sam offering me an almost convincing gentle smile.

"Listen, you can go out there and chat their socks off if you wish but I'm going for a ride."I respond to Chloe with a heavy sigh leaving my lips.

Chloe's eyes flicked to glance at me, she seemed unsure about my words but if I went in there, a fight could end up occurring and that wouldn't be good for any of us, Chloe must know this.

"Fine. Just text me and let me know that you aren't in trouble."Chloe muttered out to me.

"Done and done."I smirk out to her.

"Don't do anything too stupid..."

And with that, I watched as she climbed out of the car seat and moved to explain to Sam what was happening, I noticed Sam glance my way a few times before they both headed inside the motel room.

Chloe's POV

As I followed Sam into the motel room, I was silently hoping and praying that Lauren was wrong for once and that I wasn't being led into a trap.

"Dean?"Sam called out almost immediately as he entered the motel room, calming my nerves a little about the possible lie.

Who I'm assuming was Dean came wondering into the room from what I'm guessing was the motel's bathroom, he was rubbing his hair so I'm guessing he'd been for a shower or something.

This Dean was tall but not as tall as Sam, tanned and he had dark brown hair, captivating green eyes, well structured cheek bones, an incredible jawline and... well, I'm looking far too into this.

"Who's this?"Dean spoke, oh god that voice was so deep...

"This is Chloe Taylor, she's another hunter who's working the same case as us, her partner was with us too but she seems to have errands?"Sam sounded unconvinced.

"Yeah, she said... Lauren said that she had a few things that she needed to take care of."I spoke up, finally broken out of my trance.

"Right... So... did you find anything?"Dean cut straight to the chase, his eyes leaving mine to meet his brothers, he didn't seem like the type to beat around the bush much.

"Actually, yes...check out what I found at the crime scene."

Sam pulled out a hand full of candy wrappers from his pocket, I didn't really know exactly what that meant but I'm guessing Dean did.

"Candy wrappers."Sam deadpanned with an almost bitchface.

"We're dealing with the trickster again, aren't we?"Dean concluded with a wide grin on his lips.

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