Chapter 6- A dark memory

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Lauren's POV

Hell, that's where this Loki had sent me, there was no other possible explanation for this place. I mean, I'd never been to hell but this was just beginning to feel more and more like what I had imagined hell to be like.

As soon as that trenchcoat guy had disappeared, the darkness had somehow managed to manifest itself after my memories, making me watch back on every bad mistake I'd ever made, going right back to my childhood, seeing my family again hurt more than anyone could ever possibly understand. It was literally psychological torture, some sick punishment. Just deserts...

And this memory that was playing out right in front of my eyes in this current moment, was the worst of all and I was forced to sit and watch it play out. Helpless...

No matter how much I covered my ears with my hands, no matter how much I squeezed my eyes tightly shut... nothing blocked it out of my senses, nothing. I was stuck, stuck watching the worst part of my life playing over. The part of my life that changed me forever.

"I don't understand Cole." My timid voice echoed throughout my mind."Why are you doing this?"

I could still feel the irritating scratch of the rough ropes which constricted and burned into my wrists where they were held down to the arms of the chocolate brown oak chair. Constricting me so that I couldn't fight back, not that I could at that point. I had no training, I was weak and defenceless.

My brown hair was messy and strands were stuck to my dampened face which had previously been streaming with tears from the torture which had only just subsided, the evidence still very much present from the large blood seeping gashes and large, purple bruises which littered my fatigued form. Blue eyes were red, puffy and surrounded my messed black mascara from where I'd been crying uncontrollably during the pain.

The charming, dark haired, dark eyed vampire paced around my form, cockily twirling a dagger in his hand, the tip of the blade pressed against the pad of his thumb as it twirled before finally paused and came to a stop, directly in front of my form, his index finger extending to rest under my chin which he almost gently lifted up so that my timid, trauma filled blue eyes met his gaze.

"You're not supposed to understand darling, in fact, I don't expect you to understand." His posh, olden British tone met my ears once again, causing me to internally die all over again. I knew what was coming, I knew just from that line and I didn't want to relive this again. I couldn't relive this again.

"Please, stop! I can't go through this again, Loki you win! Please don't make me watch this again." My broken voice called out to whoever that whiskey eyed creature was from earlier as I continued to attempt to cover my ears, eyes squeezed firmly shut. Maybe he just needed to hear me admit it. "I get it Loki! I get why I'm being punished, believe me I do!"

"As for why I am doing this, for fun of course and simply because I can. There's not a thing you or anyone else can do about it...Now! On to the exciting part of tonight's entertainment~" Cole's voice continued to draw on, confirming that nobody was answering my desperate pleas.

"Please..." I begged in desperation, trying one more final time for any sort of response from anyone, I'd never felt more helpless and alone in my entire life. I knew I deserved to relive it after what I'd done after these events but I just couldn't. "I know I deserve it...I do, I really do but you don't understand what it was like for me to watch this... I know I shouldn't have done the things that I did and I know I should admit to them but you don't understand how alone it would leave me. I'd lose everything. I've changed now, I have better intentions...a better purpose."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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