Chapter 5: Castiel

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Lauren's POV

All I could think about whilst I lay there on the floor of this never ending dark abyss was the man that had sent me here and that he's said he's Loki, perhaps I'm not wrong. Maybe it was an all an illusion.

Still, something doesn't seem right and there's just something about him that seems...familiar? Perhaps I'd seen him before

The voices, they'd finally stopped and changed to some familiar song.... it just kept playing like it was on loop, even covering my ears didn't seem to block it out. Raise Brandi?

My eyes glanced around at the darkness and I noticed an unfamiliar man was now stood within the  darkness with me, gazing around in complete confusion, he had his back turned to me so I couldn't see his face.

He was rather tall, not as tall as Sam and Dean but definitely taller than that Loki character that had thrown me and presumably him in here. He had dark brown hair, almost black and he seemed to be wearing a suit with a light brown trenchcoat over the top.

The music had seemed to quieten down a little since his arrival, something which I was thankful for since I thought I was going to end up deaf if it lasted any longer.

"He threw you in here too huh?" I spoke up to the guy.

As soon as he turned around I was met by sparkling blue eyes, a strong jawline and furrowed brows, he looked very confused, I don't really blame him. He was incredibly beautiful though.

"Where exactly is here?" His voice was deep and gravely.

"No idea, wherever this Loki has thrown us." I reply with a heavy sigh.

I slowly pushed myself up off of the floor and moved over to him, it felt pretty strange to be walking on complete darkness. My approach seemed to make this guy stiffen, he didn't seem very trusting...once again, I don't really blame him.

"Loki?" The man replied, his gravely voice laced in complete and utter confusion, clearly he hadn't believed it to be Loki that or he had no idea what was happening and is just an innocent bystander.

"Yeah, small cute guy around my height, four giant wings that show when he's angry, whiskey coloured eyes, blondey brown hair. Possibly a God." I give my very vague description to this complete stranger.

"Wings? That doesn't seem accurate. God's don't have wings, nor do demi-gods." He quickly states.

"Well... he had wings...four of them to be exact and I've gotta tell ya, marvel have that guy's design all wrong." I joke out with a soft chuckle leaving my lips.

The man's eyebrows somehow furrow further in what appears to be confusion to my words, his head tilting slightly to the side like a puppy would do. It was quite cute in all honesty. Though cute would just be the complete description of this man, he was incredibly good looking and anyone in their right mind could see that.

"I...don't understand that reference. What is a marvel?" He questions me curiously, completely and obviously dumbfounded by what I'd said to him, which of course was causing my jaw to drop the more I realised that he was serious.

"Wow..." I was actually at a loss for words."How can you not know what Marvel is? It's like one of the most popular forms of modern entertainment in the cinema."

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